10 Great Tips for Tech-Savvy Travellers in 2023

Travelling is a passion for many people; however, it can also be troublesome from a logistical perspective. You’re travelling to a place you don’t know, dealing with the currency you’re not accustomed to, and trying to communicate with people who don’t speak your language. If you’re a solo traveller, this is even more complex, and you also have a wide array of safety and security issues to add to this list.

Fortunately, if you’re tech-savvy enough, you can make up for this with the right gadgets and apps. In 2023, there’s a technological solution to every travel-related problem. Here are ten such tips you should consider.


1.  Download a few offline apps

You can’t base all your plans on the idea that you’ll always have the internet. Even in 2023, people are using paper maps. However, there’s no need to go that far when you can just download a few offline apps.

An offline map is a great solution for those afraid of navigating these areas just in memory of the instructions they receive from locals. An offline game or two are amazing for those who are worried they’ll get bored when they are left without the internet. These usually don’t take too much space or time to download, so why not?

2.  Pack a portable charger, a power bank, and a smartwatch

Whether carrying a laptop or a tablet, you’ll usually rely on your phone on this journey. The biggest bottleneck here, besides the internet (which we’ve already covered), is the device’s battery. Don’t use your personal experience as a guiding principle because you’ll use more apps simultaneously while on the trip (so your battery will get empty quicker).

You want to bring a power bank and a portable charger to solve this. This way, you can solve your battery problems on the move. At the same time, you’re facing a problem regarding the power socket. You see, in different regions, these sockets are slightly different. So, make sure to check this and buy the necessary adapters.

Aside from this, you want to have a spare device like an Apple Watch. This way, you’ll never be completely in the dark.

3.  Consider a tracking software

If you’re a solo traveller, you probably feel pressure on the eve of your departure. One of the things you can do is update people back at home about your whereabouts, but this system is both flawed and time-consuming.

Alternatively, you can install a spy app on your device. This way, people back at home can track all activity. If you’re uncomfortable with this, you can restrict some of the features (you have that option) and then have the person you share it with uninstall it as soon as you’re back. Just make sure to remember this while using your phone and only share access with someone that you 100% trust.

4.  Use a budgeting app

Keeping track of how much money you’ve spent while travelling. People don’t have the same perception of money when expressed in a foreign currency, which usually makes things appear cheaper.

With a budgeting app, you can usually set up an instant conversion procedure, informing you exactly how much you’ve spent. Also, being euphoric while on holiday will make you more “generous” than you can perhaps afford to be. This is why setting up spending limits and getting warning notifications when you push it too far is useful.

Fortunately for you, there are so many amazing apps out there; all you have to do is look for the right one.

5.  Research the neighbourhoods before visiting them

Back in your home country (and city), you know exactly which areas to avoid and which are safe to visit. In a distant land, you’ll lack this understanding. So, why not spend a few minutes researching every city and neighbourhood you’ll visit during your travel?

Just keep in mind that you can’t find it all online. Therefore, when you finally arrive at the destination, you want to ask around a bit. Locals, especially guides, receptionists, and local business owners, will always know more.

6.  Rely more heavily on voice assistants

If you’re on the run, you’re likely interacting with too many objects simultaneously. You’re also navigating areas for the first time, so your eyes should be on the road. This is a perfect opportunity to increase your use of voice assistants.

For starters, you get hands-free for whatever else you’re doing. Second, you get instant feedback in terms of information and assistance. One of the tasks that you should always use voice assistants for is translation. Other than that, they’re quite useful for translation.

Who knows, you may get so addicted that you keep using voice assistants upon getting back home.

7.  Use contactless technology whenever you can

When traveling to regions notorious for pickpockets, it’s usually best to avoid flashing cash in the street. Now, contactless payment is available globally, which can help make these transactions a lot faster.

Another thing to keep in mind is that with contactless payments, you don’t have to share payment details. At a terminal, you get a unique transaction code for that specific purpose instead of card details, which is huge.

Not to mention that, for many people, hygiene is a huge issue. Just remember that you’re usually going to tourist hubs, where people from around the globe bring their local pathogens.

8. Start using digital wallets

Digital wallets are so convenient for travel. First, you don’t have to carry multiple credit or debit cards or have too much cash. You can just safely store the information in your wallet and give you a chance to pack more lightly.

They’re also compatible with contactless payments, which is a point that we’ve covered in the previous section. Then, there’s the question of security and the fact that they usually use advanced features to keep you safe.

Finally, since you’ll deal with a foreign currency, digital wallets can help you keep track of your expenses.

9. Consider getting a local SIM card

You would first get a local SIM card to save money. This way, calls and SMS messages will be inexpensive, and you can even get cheap local data card internet. Also, most phones have dual SIM options, so you don’t have to take your card out.

Some local services and apps will require a local phone number. This is the simplest way to get around it. Lastly, a local SIM card enables you to contact a local emergency service free of charge.

10. Take your cybersecurity more seriously

The first thing you want to do is be skeptical about Wi-Fi on a local level. These places are major tourist hubs, so it’s not unreasonable to assume that one would just set up a scam and wait for the results.

It’s also advised to use VPN to protect your IP. This is also great if you want to check things available back home while you are in a region that locks out this content. Now, with fact-checking controls being different in different regions, this may also be a great way for you to bypass censorship.

Most importantly, you want to enable two-factor authentication. This is one issue that will prevent the majority of cyber attacks. It’s a simple trick but an incredibly potent one.

With the right apps and gadgets, you can travel with more leisure and confidence

Being resourceful is important, and the simplest/cleanest way to handle most of these issues is to download an app and be done with it. The majority of these apps are free, and gadgets are quite inexpensive. Considering that they can transform your travelling experience, they’re more than worth it.



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