1000 residents get free medicare in Anambra

•Monarch lauds foundation, empowerment programmes

No fewer than 1000 residents, mostly indigents, have benefited from the first leg of the 10th bi-annual Marcel Ofomata Foundation Free Medical services, which began yesterday and ends tomorrow at Ozalla-Isuofia community in Aguata Council of Anambra State.

Some 40 health personnel, including medial doctors, pharmacists, laboratory scientists and nurses, were mobilised for the project.
Services undertook by the medical team comprised consultations, general diagnosis, treatment, general health services, malaria, general diagnosis/treatment, malaria/typhoid medication, presentation of free medication/ hygiene packs, health talks, laboratory tests, checks/regulation of blood pressure, eye checks, as well as eye referrals in compliance with extant Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) COVID-19 guidelines.

According to the promoter, Dr. Marcel Ofomata, government at all levels has not adequately provided medical infrastructure and facilities, hence the country still contends with basic treatment of malaria.

He lamented the high poverty rate among the citizens, whom, the facilitator noted, find it difficult to access healthcare, especially in this era of COVID-19 pandemic, thereby forcing them to patronise quacks.

Ofomata pointed out that the initiative was to empower and transform humanity in numerous areas. He noted that the surgeries performed in advanced countries rely on modern technologies, including robotics, an effort that is yet to hold ground in Nigeria.

The foundation’s founder said he adapted to local content bearing in mind that indigenous health service providers easily understand conditions of local health seekers besides adherence to global pandemic protocols.

Ofomata explained that the free medical services recognised that January and August of every year since 2019 always witness high turnout of returnees, particularly August when women return in numbers with their children for meetings.

He said apart from free medicare, the foundation had undertaken several intervention programmes for about 15 persons, including revolving seed loan for women empowerment, skills acquisition and rotating tricycle credit for youths.

The other interventions, he mentioned, are sinking of boreholes for communities, provision of solar-powered rural electrification projects, ongoing construction of state-of-art mini stadium in Isuofia, current construction of Entrepreneurship Development and Research Centre at the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), direct mentorship scheme for the younger generation and cultural/attitudinal reorientation of young dancing groups and promotion campaigns, among others.

Ofomata said he felt more fulfilled with each passing year.

Also speaking, the traditional ruler of Isuofia, Igwe Christopher, commended the gesture as Ofomata’s yearly gift to the people, adding that the sponsor has attracted many doctors, nurses and other health professionals “to do good to us.”

The excited monarch enjoined the beneficiaries and other members of the community to continue to pray for the benefactor, “so that God will continue to use him to touch more lives.”


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