2face and Annie’s Daugther Displeased With How Netflix Series Portrayed Parents

Isabel Idibia, the daughter of Nigerian music icon Innocent Idibia, known professionally as 2Face, and actress Annie Idibia, has voiced her displeasure over the portrayal of her parents in the popular Netflix series “Young, Famous and African.”

“The way my parents were portrayed in Young, Famous and African is so wrong, I don’t like it. It wasn’t the best image and wasn’t completely accurate,” Isabel expressed.

Annie and 2Face’s relationship has been a subject of public interest for years. The couple first met in 1999 at Even Ezra Music Studio when Annie was just fifteen. Their relationship officially began in 2002, but it was not without its challenges.

The couple’s relationship has been marked by periods of separation and reconciliation, largely due to infidelity issues on Tuface’s side. Despite these challenges, they got married in May 2012 and have two daughters together, Isabella and Olivia.

His relationships with other women have also been a source of controversy. He has children with other women, including two sons, Nino and Zion, with his first baby mama, Sumbo Ajaba.

He also has three children, Ehi, Justin, and Innocent, with Pero Adeniyi.

Annie Idibia has accused him of having an affair with his second baby mama, Pero. The couple also called each other out on social media back in 2015 and 2016.

Despite the tumultuous journey, Annie and 2Face Idibia have remained together, navigating the ups and downs of their relationship.

Their story, as showed in “Young, Famous and African,” brought about a lot of public scrutiny as there was a part in the show where 2Face said it is in a man’s nature to cheat, while in the presence of his wife Annie.

However, Isabel’s recent comments suggest that the portrayal of her parents’ relationship in the series may have tainted the truth of the couples marriage.



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