The Unchangeable Changer (1)

When God created us, He equipped us with every good thing that we need to be successful in life, but many of us are not where God created us to be. God said that we would be the head and not the tail, and that we would be the top and not the bottom, yet many of our lives do not exhibit any of these promises of God. We have allowed our lives to label God as a liar.
Easter Sunday

When God created us, He equipped us with every good thing that we need to be successful in life, but many of us are not where God created us to be. God said that we would be the head and not the tail, and that we would be the top and not the bottom, yet many of our lives do not exhibit any of these promises of God. We have allowed our lives to label God as a liar.

For many of us, our lives cannot move forward because of our attitudes. We have actually come to believe that all the things that God said concerning the lives of His children can never come to pass in our own lives. It is one thing for the devil to attack us, but it is another thing for us to lie down and accept the attack of the enemy. When we accept all that the devil is dishing out to us, the result is abandoned blessings and wasted lives. This is why many Christians are weak, dejected and tired. They have lost hope in themselves. They are just like the Christians in the parable of the seeds (Matthew 13). These are Christians, who hear the word but either they cannot understand it and the devil comes and snatches it from their hearts, or they understand and receive it with joy but at the first sign of trouble, it immediately departs from their minds and they stumble, or they allow the cares of this world to distract them. Only 25 per cent of Christians are actually living the life that God had created them to live and it is our attitudes and the way we live our lives that will determine if we are part of this 25 per cent.

Many of us are living our lives guided by our head knowledge. We are ignorant of the spiritual battles that are going on around us. We don’t realise that three quarters of the problems that we are going through are spiritual ones and we are still trying to use our head knowledge to solve them. Many people that tried to use their head knowledge to solve their problems with no results simply give up and accept their fate.

As children of God, we are not supposed to accept the attack of the enemy on our lives. If infirmity, lack and poverty decide to glue themselves to your life by force, then you need to force yourself to be free. Anything that God did not create with you is foreign to you, and so you must get rid of it. Do not accept it!

• Pastor Ogunorunyinka is the General Overseer of
The Promisedland Restoration Ministries, Surulere, Lagos.


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