Soul traders (2)

In the first part of this series, we looked at the Babylonian system and its’ operational activities with the souls of men. In this series, we shall be considering what the soul of a man is and some important facts about the soul.
The soul is the invincible part of you. It is that part of you that makes you an individual. It is what differentiates your personality from others.

It is not linked to your body, but connected to your spirit because when your spirit leaves, the soul leaves. In Gen 2:7, we see that when God breathed into man, he became a living soul. The soul comes in when the spirit enters the body of a man. So, the soul belongs to the spirit and not to the body. Man is a tripartite being — made of the spirit, the soul and the body. The soul is the centre of a man. It comprises the mind, which is the source of knowledge and intelligence, and the source of affection and consciousness.

There are important facts we shall be considering about the soul. Fact number one is that the soul is your most valuable possession. All the wealth and power a man can gain in this world is not worth the price of his soul. So, if you lose your soul through the excitement and desire for the pleasures of this world, you have lost it all. Luke 19:21 says by your patience and endurance, you will gain the true life of your soul. The second fact is that the soul of man is so valuable that God had to send his only begotten son to die in order to redeem our souls (1Peter 1:18-19). A lot of people are not patient today, but are in a hurry to make money by any means.

The devil will not tell you exactly what he wants from you, but will give you what you request. It will be a terrible bargain to discover that your soul has been traded for wealth that will not last and your children cannot even enjoy. They move from one problem to another, from one sickness to another until they have squandered the money and sold all your property to take care of themselves. That is the price.

Fact number three is that there is a market of darkness in the spirit realm and the most expensive commodity there is the souls of men. This is the most commonly displayed item for sale there and there is a primitive trade by barter. If you are in desperate need of anything, you can get it there at the expense of your soul. Many who are in need of a child, healing, money and so on, get it from this market without knowing the repercussions of such transactions.

Fourthly, there are soul hunters. These are men who go after the souls of men. They are also called demonic fowlers or fowlers of darkness. They go after men who are careless and move about unprotected (Psalm 124:6-7). May you not fall prey to them and if you are already encaged by them, that cage is broken today in Jesus’ name.

Jer 5:26-27 says that there are wicked men who lay wait and set traps to capture and engage the souls of men just like the fowler captures birds.

The more souls they capture, the more prosperous they become and such persons could be from your father’s house, people you relate with daily or those you consult in search of solutions to your problems. Such souls remain engaged all their lifetime if something is not done. This explains why some people never prosper in life. If this is your case, may God give you a way of escape in Jesus’ name.

Lastly, there are soul traders who buy and sell the souls of men. They can use such souls to exchange or renew the lives of others, so, they can live longer. We shall consider in the next part, the purpose of soul trading.
Prayer Points
• Satanic cage holding me bound, break in Jesus’ name.
• Any wicked person that wants to use me to exchange their head in the coven, die in Jesus’ name.
• Any power or merchants of darkness trading with my soul, your time is up, die in Jesus’ name.
• Any market of darkness where my soul is being priced or displayed for sale, in the name of Jesus, receive fire and scatter.
• My soul, my soul hear the word of the Lord, in the name of Jesus, escape from the hands of the fowler by fire.
• Powers waiting patiently in the spirit realm to capture my soul, die, in Jesus’ name.
• Every evil summon of my spirit man in the coven of darkness, in the name of Jesus, back fire.
• Satan hear the word of the Lord, I belong to Jesus; my soul is not for sale.
• Reverend (Dr.)John Okene,Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayer line: +2348135952623


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