Abolish gay marriages, abortion, set a day for repentance, Muoka tells world leaders

Pastor Lazarus Muoka

The General Overseer of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, has said that God is angry with the present generation and would destroy it, as he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of its ungodly acts.

To avert the looming danger, the General Overseer called on leaders across the world to set a day of national repentance, abolish same sex marriage, abortion, prostitution, terrorism and all forms of wickedness that are against God’s commandment.

The cleric who stated this recently while speaking on the theme: “From Sorrow To Joy,” held at the church’s headquarters in Ijesha, Lagos, said that the wickedness of this generation is more than any other generation and as such they have provoked the Lord to action.

Lamenting that many countries have legalised abortion, gay marriage, prostitution and other crimes that are against God’s commandment, Muoka said: “God cannot tolerate unrighteousness or compromise his nature because he is holy. In our very eyes, abortion has been legalised all over the world. In other words, they are begging for God’s judgment to come upon them. Imagine a generation where nations come together to legalise same sex marriage and perpetuate all manner of wickedness including terrorism, kidnapping, robbery, internet fraud, adultery, fornication and cultism are freely committed without considering God.

“Whenever any generation departs from God, God will be angry. The wickedness that made God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah is being legalised in many parts of the world. I hope they can hear me from wherever they are. God is angry and ready to judge sinners and the nations that practice evil and if you are part of it, amend your ways today and ask God for mercy and he will forgive and heal the land.

“God will surely judge the generation, kings or rulers if they refuse to repent, no matter who they are — prince, general overseer, bishop, pastor — he will punish them. God is not a respecter of any human being. The wicked shall not go unpunished, but the righteous shall be delivered, you need to examine your life and amend your ways and God wants you to be holy. Heaven is real, and hell is also real, if you repent God will show you mercy.”

The cleric said that insecurity and economic downturn being experienced across the world is the beginning of what God is about to do in the world.

According to him, nations that expect a turnaround will experience God’s manifold blessings, adding that Christians should continue to seek for purity, which he said begets blessings.


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