Ambode Allays Fears On Flooding In Lagos


Lagos State governor, Akinwunmi Ambode, yesterday urged residents not to panic over the heavy and persistent rainfall noticed in the state, saying Lagos has adequate provision to prevent disastrous flooding.

Ambode, who gave this assurance at an event to mark the 2015 World Environmental Day in Lagos yestreday, also appealed to Lagosians to desist from throwing refuse into drainages, citing that the practice is more harmful to the environment and human well being.

He noted that human-induced changes in the environment were affecting the well being of the people every moment in the state.

The governor who was represented by his deputy, Dr. Idiat Adebule, noted that people cannot sustain their healthy living if they continue to destroy the environment.

He emphasized that it was the responsibility of the people to save the environment in order to enjoy healthy and sustainable life, pointing out that his administration would not deviate from the path of environmental excellence, which his predecessor has laid.

“We will rather improve on it and ensure that the environment continues to get the right place in the scheme of government policies,” he said.

The governor observed that the direction of government policy on environment in the last eight years had accorded the state accolades both locally and internationally.

Among the commended programmes are: tree planting, climate change submits, climate change clubs in schools, improved waste management, wastewater management, effective drainage system, renewable energy and environmental policing as government programmes that have put the state in vibrant position in environment discourse across the globe.

He added that,” to solve the problems of the environment, everyone on earth must act; it is not the government business. It is not some people’s business; it is everybody’s business. It is one world, one environment. The problems of the environment transcend boundary. An error by one is a serious concern for all.”

Ambode added that if the environment is not in harmony with people’s ambition, they must change their ambition to be in perfect harmony with the environment.

According to him, there is need to live peacefully on earth stressing that mother earth can survive without us but we cannot survive without mother earth.

