Guardian Nigeria

Members of military pension board poses for picture with CEO of eTranzact, Niyi Toluwalope

Military Pensions Board gets digital verification system

A financial technology solutions provider, eTranzact, has announced its role as the technology solution provider for the Military Pensions Board’s new digital verification system, officially launched on July 1. According to the
4 hours ago

Soul traders (2)

In the first part of this series, we looked at the Babylonian system and its’ operational activities with the souls of men. In this series, we shall be considering what the soul
Campus choir ministering at the just-concluded crusade titled: “Except The Lord Build The House” held at The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministriesheadquarters in Ijesha, Lagos

Testimony: Yoke of stagnancy broken

My name is Isaiah Ndukwu. I reside in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. My problem started in 2017 after I returned to my base after a brief visit to Nigeria. As soon as I