Book on aviation heroes, heroines for launch in May

Murtala Mohammed International Airport Lagos. SOURCE: Google

A book, titled: Nigeria’s Aviation: Unsung Heroes and Heroines, will be presented to the public in Lagos on May 9, 2023.

The book, authored by the duo of Wole Shadare and Gboyega Adeoye, is a documentary of the history of Nigeria’s aviation development with a spotlight on notable icons, who have grown the sector to its current remarkable height.

According to the authors, writing the book was conceived about a year ago, as a response to the low morale of government and Nigerian institutions, toward honouring dedication and discipline by some Nigerians in building a strong aviation sector over the years.

According to the authors, the book is remarkable for three reasons. “First, it is a clear departure from both the general and conventional pattern of prosaic accounts found in virtually all publications in the industry.

“Secondly, in our search for heroes and heroines, the book unwittingly achieves some historical rendition that has remained outside the mental horizon of authors existing before us.

“We tried our best to leave the reader with up-to-date knowledge of the history of our aviation development and most importantly, listed some heroes and heroines, their place and roles.”

The 10-chapter book details very significant heroes and heroines from 1958 to date. From Nigeria Airways in the early beginning, from captains Bob Hayes, Dele Ore, and Bara All-well Brown, down the line.


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