CAN urges Nigerians to reject bad leaders, prays for crisis-free polls

Christian leaders in Kaduna converged, on Sunday, to pray for peaceful elections in the state and Nigeria in general, urging voters to reject wicked leaders who destroyed the nation’s economy and promoted insecurity.

Coming under the aegis of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Kaduna Central Zone, in conjunction with Bible Society of Nigeria (BSN), Kaduna Principal Auxiliary, the Christian faithful ended their one-week prayer summit in Kaduna, with a call on Nigerians to be committed to enthroning credible leadership in the country.

Specifically, the yearly church programme, titled ‘Universal Week of Prayers for Christians Unity’, held at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Kaduna, with 72 denominations represented.

During the closing prayer, Christians from various churches in the state offered prayers for peace and unity in the country and for peaceful conduct of this year’s general elections.

Chairman of CAN, Kaduna Central Zone, Dennis Anigbogu, explained that the main purpose of the programme held every first week of January by Christians worldwide was to pray for peace and unity in their various countries and the world in general.

The Administrator of St. Joseph Cathedral, Rev. Fr. Isaac Musa, said the week afforded Christians time to come together, adding: “It was also the prayer of Christ when He was departing the world for Heaven. He prayed for his disciples to be together.

“It has been a struggle to come together and worship God. Despite our denominational differences, we’ve come together under the umbrella of CAN to pray together for peace and unity.”

According to the priest, the programme has been a spiritual journey for peace, unity and encounter for the country.

“We also reflected every word of God and on how voters are going to votes in this election year. We are also preparing for the election as a moment of deciding factor because we’ve seen injustice and maltreatment of the downtrodden.

“We did prayers for peace, Unity and especially for the election period,” he added.

Chairman of the planning team, Adeyemi Isaac; the Secretary, John Haruna, and other pastors thanked God for starting the programme in peace and ended in peace.


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