Features - Page 146

Between Compliments And Flattery

Maybe it is different in other climes. But around here, people are apt to take every seemingly harmless statement, good intention or even gesture, with a pinch of salt. Indeed, it is
9 years ago

Much Ado About Paternity Leave

That Mother Nature has the role of women well cut out for them, cannot be disputed. Or better put, everything in the world, it does seem, is ‘divinely arranged’ to work in
9 years ago

Knowing Men: Not By The Books!

I have never been sold on the argument that Nigerians do not read. Indeed, ventilating that view, to me, will not only be an unforgivable error of judgment but also an insult
9 years ago

Keeping Risk At Bay

Apart from risk-taking or engaging in what Soyinka calls ‘venturesome rarities’, some of the distinguishing features of youth are: unbridled freedom and sheer love for independence. It is no wonder, therefore, that
9 years ago

Immunity or Impunity ?

Immunity, essentially, confers on any individual a considerable degree of privileges. No doubt. Consider such high offices as, those of a President of a country, Senate President, governor of a state or
9 years ago

Cash At First Sight

‘Your love is magical‘, like Michael Jackson, but your cash will do better. Those were the words that night as I presented my honest manifesto. In all honesty, I was delusional. The
9 years ago