Cleric launches destiny restoring prayer books

broken chains. Photo: DRHURD
Pastor Adekunle Adeini has said prayers are integral weapons for victorious daily living, adding that they carry God’s power and authority to reorder every disorder in people’s lives and destinies.

Adeini disclosed this recently in Lagos, while unveiling two of his books titled, “101 Destiny Restoring Prayer Points 2” and “Making The New Year Count.”

The cleric described “101 Destiny Restoring Prayer Points 2,” as a tool for positive transformation sanctioned by God to bring about the desired changes in the life of every reader. 

He said: “It takes you from where you are to where you should be in the scheme of things in life. It serves as a bridge between readers’ current situations and the future they desire.

“It is another testimonial to the fact that there is a God Who answers prayers of those who are wise and humble enough to engage the powers that lie in prayers.”

Noting that the book is a collection of scriptural and Holy Spirit inspired prayer points, he disclosed that the book is a bridge between readers’ current situations and the rightly inspired prayer points to address them.

He said: “If there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer. Prayer is a medium that draws heaven’s strength, resources, help and wisdom to address human or earthly matters.

“The book is empowered by God to avail readers all these and much more. It will serve as a ticket to guarantee your flight into a glorious destiny,” he said.

Adedini explained that the second book is a collection of useful, helpful, and time-proven tips that will enable readers make the next 365 days a happy new year indeed. 


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