Creative Hands To Impact 200 Children For The International Day of the African Child Today

Every year, June 16th is the celebration of the International Day of the African Child. It was first established by the OAU in 1991 in honour and memory of the 1976 students uprising in Soweto, South Africa. The day aims at awareness for the situation of children in African, and on the need for contributing improvement in education, health and nutrition. #DAC2021

In line with the above and its 2040 agenda, we the Creative Hands will host today, an ART Impact project(AIP) tagged “The ARTculture of an African Child” which will hold on Wednesday the 16th of June 2021 at Queen’s Model Schools, One-Day Avenue, Awkwunanaw Enugu; with 200 registered to participate children from five participating secondary schools, out of school children and the underprivileged children in Enugu.

The organisation will also reach out to more hundreds of students in other selected public, private and mission secondary schools in the cities of Enugu, Benin City and Awka this month of June and in the next quarter. This impact will keep the children artistically aware and geared towards exposing the youths to the untapped art-preneurship sector by teaching and getting them acquainted with various forms of the creative arts at no cost i.e Theatre, Film, Media and Visual Arts (Acting, Directing, Scriptwriting for the Stage and Screen, Dance and Music, Graphics Designs, Sculpting, Drawing, Painting, Costume and Makeup Design, Photography and Cinematography, and Editing).

Their vision this year is to impact 600 children in five selected secondary schools, out of school children and the underprivileged/street Children in the slums and cities of Enugu, Benin City, Awka and beyond; with an impact on 200 children in each of the cities.


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