Dangote unveils 150 trucks to aid distributors’ logistics challenges


To address challenges related to the ease of distribution and availability of cement across the country, especially among its value-chain service providers, Dangote Cement Plc, has rolled out over 150 trucks to help distributors service their customers efficiently and profitably.

Group Chief Marketing Officer, Dangote, Oare Ojeikere, explained that ‎the trucks would be delivered to distributors at no cost, saying that all that is required is for the distributors to attain a certain volume of product delivery in three years and retain the trucks.

Ojeikere during the redistribution ‎fleet empowerment programme in Lagos said: “We will be giving away 150 trucks in all; this is just the first phase. Our customers will get between 10 to 20‎ tonnes trucks depending on the volume of their business. This is really about helping distributors service their customers; how to help you get the products in a timely manner. This scheme is about you and how to ensure we get your businesses to the next level. All we ask for is for the distributors to use them to service their retailers for three years to a certain volume and get the trucks for keeps‎.”
According to him, the scheme is about empowering the company’s partners‎ and ensuring they have what they require to get their products to their customers.

“In the current dispensation where exchange rates have more or less ballooned out of proportion, making it increasingly difficult for people to invest in new trucks, we have invested in these trucks as our business is powered by the ability to get cement‎ to the retailers and the end-users.‎”

