DG of ITF tasks trainees on entrepreneurship, skills acquisition

PHOTO; dotcomplicated
PHOTO; dotcomplicated

Trainees under the Industrial Training Fund, (ITF’s) training programmes have been urged to live up to the high academic standards expected of them to contribute their quota towards national development.

This admonition is coming, even as the ITF said it remains committed towards its objectives of producing middle and high level skilled manpower that will drive the nation’s economy forward, through the provision of global standards technical and vocational education that will eradicate unemployment, particularly amongst youths.

Highlighting how the fund is initiating proactive measures to achieve its mandate, the Director General of ITF, Dr Mrs Juliet Chukkas-Onaeko, said students under its training programmes are challenged to impart knowledge provided by the fund, and take charge of leading the nation and the continent into an era of sustainable economic development.

She said the vision of economic leadership on the continent by the country can only be achieved when adequate attention and commitment is shown by all stakeholders in the quest to imbibe the nation’s youths with continuous vocational and technical training knowledge that can create jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for them and other citizens.

