E-Commerce trends in Nigeria for 2023

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The rise of digital commerce has given birth to new ways for e-commerce retailers to improve their businesses and deliver an exceptional customer experience. This is due to the industry’s constant adaptability to meet new demands and opportunities to create a seamless shopping experience by offering consumers a wide variety of products and services and finding new ways to connect with consumers through digital storefronts.
As a business owner or someone involved, staying current with market trends is critical to capitalize on upcoming opportunities and lessen the impact of potential disruptions.

Over the last three years, e-commerce has significantly grown, pushing millions more consumers to shop online. In 2023, the e-commerce industry is set to slowly take over the world, as revenue in the market is projected to reach US$9.02 billion in 2023.
Here are some of the most significant and disruptive e-commerce trends that could be adopted to enhance customer experience while also expanding businesses:

The Rise of Social Commerce
A trend that is expected to gain momentum in 2023 is the use of social media for e-commerce. Many businesses in Nigeria are already using platforms like Facebook and Instagram to sell their products, but this trend is expected to increase in the coming year as social media is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers and building brand awareness. Businesses that take advantage of this trend will be well-positioned for success.
The Rise of Omnichannel
Shoppers are no longer limited to a single device or channel as they research products, compare prices, complete a sale seamlessly across channels, and flip between devices without losing their place in the purchase journey. According to the National Communication Commission (NCC), 89% of internet users make purchases online, with another 24% planning to do so in the near future.
This trend has led many e-commerce platforms, like Jumia, to ensure that their channels can be accessed regardless of the platform or channel. As a result, consumers can log in to their accounts through the app or website on any device of their choice. This ease of shopping is expected to contribute to an increase in online sales.

Seamless Payment Options
Nigeria’s economic policy is gradually shifting towards cashless payment, with digital and electronic banking being implemented nationwide.

Furthermore, following the announcement of the new withdrawal limit by the Central Bank of Nigeria, more transactions are expected to be conducted electronically.
This demand for electronic transactions has attracted payment facilitators from all over the world as Nigeria’s online commerce and financial technology industries are strengthened by a fast-growing youth population, expanding consumer power, and increased smartphone penetration. This is especially important for small businesses that use payment solution providers to ease the payment process for their customers. Payment Solutions Service Providers, like JumiaPay, can take advantage of these opportunities in the market.
Beyond this, payment solution providers, like JumiaPay, would also benefit from offering services for electricity bills payment, TV subscriptions, and airtime/data recharge to their consumers.

Consumer Personalization
Another important trend in 2023 is the increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in e-commerce. These technologies can help businesses personalize their customer interactions, improve the accuracy of their recommendations, and make more informed decisions.

Personalizing a customer’s online shopping experience is crucial to increasing online sales and bolstering e-commerce success. Users are growing weary of algorithm-powered interfaces instead of user-generated or user-inspired interfaces and longing for tailored and customized experiences. Customers want to believe someone is paying attention to them behind a computer screen. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate; it might be as straightforward as a customized email, a carefully chosen discount code, or something else.
Overall, the e-commerce industry in Nigeria is expected to see significant growth in 2023, driven by rising smartphone adoption, a growing middle class, and government support. Businesses that are able to keep up with these trends and adapt to the changing market will be well-positioned for success in the coming year.

Adetunji, an accounts executive wrote from Lagos.



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