Ekweremadu: Doctor made secret deal with potential donor, lawyer alleges

The fourth defendant in the ongoing “conspiracy to facilitate and arrange travel with the aim of exploitation” trial of former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu; his wife, Beatrice and their daughter, Sonia, had a secret arrangement to make David Nwamini come back and work in the United Kingdom (UK) after the botched kidney transplant of Sonia.

He had promised the 21-year-old work but was to first return to Nigeria on May 3 and then travel back to the UK few days later.

Neither Obeta’s former classmate, Diwe Ekweremadu – Dr Isaac- the senator nor his wife and daughter was aware of this, the Old Bailey heard last Thursday.

In one message between Obeta and his travel agent, he said, “don’t let Dr Isaac know that I’m the one bringing David back” to the UK. In another message, the agent wrote Obeta and said: “Diwe is demanding for the GB visa application of David,” Obeta replied, “hello dear. Give it to him.”

While cross-examining him, the senator’s barrister, Martin Hicks, KC, described him as being “in control of the whole process.”

He told the doctor: “Even for the Ekweremadu family to see the visa application, they had to seek your permission.” Obeta disagreed, saying: “I don’t think it’s controlled.”

In another piece of evidence during the cross-examination, Hicks cited the message that Diwe sent his senator brother after the latter had written a supporting letter for Nwamini’s voice visa application. Diwe wrote: “I’ve forwarded it to Obinna and he said it’s okay.”

Hicks told Obeta, “such was your control that the senator had to get your okay for the draft letter to be okay.”

But the doctor argued his way through and didn’t accept he controlled the botched kidney transplant process.

Yesterday when he was shown the prepared statement he gave after his arrest in July 12 last year, where he advised Sonia, the Crown’s barrister, Hugh Davies, KC, accused Obeta of telling “lies” during the cross-examination.

The doctor argued that “English is not my first language,” and that he was “passing through stress.”

When Obeta said the defence statement was “spontaneous” and that “l was really confused,” Davies told him: “Dr Obeta, there are lies.”


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