Ensure strict adherence to principles of zoning in political offices filling in Ikot Ekpene, Amayam Clan urges Gov Eno

The people of Amayam Clan in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State have sent a passionate appeal to Governor Umo Bassey Eno to take a judicious look at the flow of political office holders, particularly, Office of the Chairman of Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area between 1997 and 2023; which they believe is lopsided and heavily weighed against them.

In a statement that scrutinizes and draws attention to how this important office has been juggled to promote equity and fairness between Amayam and Urban clans, the Amayam Peoples Forum (APF) insist on covering the period that accommodates both elected and transitional chairmen in order to show clearly that now is the rightful and legal turn of Amayam to produce the next Chairman of the Local Government come October this year.

According to them, there have been seven local government chairmen in the period under consideration, between 1999 and 2023, out of which Urban Clan has produced four chairmen, while Amayam had three. They stated that if the tenure of transition chairmen are taken into account, Urban Clan have been in office 17 times against nine times an indigene from Amayam clan occupied office as Chairman of the local council.

They noted that when it comes to membership of the State House of Assembly, persons from Urban Clan have held the position four times, while Amayam has only tasted the office for one tenure.

In the statement signed by Uwem Okon, a leader of APF, the clan urged Governor Eno prevail on the political class in the LGA to ensure that zoning must be maintained and observed. He stated the governor had earlier warned the present transition chairmen to abide by the zoning arrangement in the area, stressing that if zoning does not favour them, they should not try to scuttle the existing zoning arrangement.

“Some chairmen are now attempting to go against His Excellency’s warning. Based on the directive of Governor Eno, Amayam Peoples Forum insist that Council Chairmanship position in Ikot Ekpene in the forthcoming Local Government Election in 2024 as a matter of right and established rotation should go to Amayam Clan. Zoning is sacrosanct and must be upheld to foster peace, unity and progress in Ikot Ekpene,” Okon said.

“It is important to note that Chairmanship position is a straight choice between the two clans of Ikot Ekpene; Amayam and Urban Clans,” he added.


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