Fruits bearing Christmas

Every believer is saved to serve. This is the primary reason we are in the Kingdom of God at a time like this. A child is in a home to champion the course of the family business, this is because the progress of the family is also the progress of the child. Therefore, citizens of God’s Kingdom must show utmost interest in the expansion of the Kingdom of God through fruit bearing.

Obviously, no conscious believer will be building or enacting a spiritual structure that will be destroyed on the last day. This is the reason we must go all out to do the work of the Master. Believers should strike a balance between their personal businesses and the business of the Lord. Seeking for wealth is a good ambition that every believer must go for in a legitimate way because God’s Kingdom does not encourage poverty. However, we must not allow God’s work to suffer neglect while in pursuit of mundane things.

In the Old Testament, the children of Israel devoted time to observe the Sabbath for which nobody was expected to do his/her personal business. In the New Testament, the Resurrection Morning has replaced the Sabbath. Believers should take the services of God very seriously especially Sunday Services and avoid engaging in personal activities.

The weekly services help to keep a believer alive spiritually. They enable believers to stand on the solid word of God. The weekly Mount Sinai Experience (also know as Bible Studies) that holds on Thursdays, avails Christians the opportunity to study the word of God with indepth understanding. The Saturday Evangelism programme enables kingdom citizens to fulfill the Master’s last command. No believer can bear fruits without going out to evangelise to sinners.

God does not take our time as Christians, but when He demands a fraction of it in weekly services we should be happy to give it. Unfortunately, some believers find it difficult to give their time for God’s service. This is a year of fruit-bearing and it is required that all hands should be on deck to make this a reality.

However, there will be severe punishment for believers who do not bear fruit and scripturally, every branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off. It is a year of great harvest for souls; endeavour to be part of the labourers.

• Further reading: 2Pt. 3:10-14; Exo. 20:10-11; 31:12-17; Mt. 28:1-6; 1 Cor. 16:1-2; Acts 20:7-12; 28:22-23; 3:1-10; 5:1-16; Jn.15:1-8; 15:5; Gal. 4:19; Mt. 4:14-17; Jn. 15:8; Acts 20:20-21, 32; Dan. 12:3.
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