gomoney Launches Flexible Student Loans to Help Nigerians Study Abroad

Let’s be real – these days, it seems like everybody has the Japa fever and it’s been spreading like wildfire across the nation, with young Nigerians caught up in the dream of leaving Naija’s shores for international horizons. As a graduate of demography and social statistics from Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), one might assume I’d be all about analysing the data and trends behind the immigration phenomenon. But the truth is, I was initially dismissive of the whole craze as I never really understood what all the buzz was about.  I was living my best life right here, slaying it in school, so I didn’t see any tangible reason to want to leave. However, that mindset changed quickly.

It all started when my most respected lecturer, Mr. Esom, called me after my graduation and said “Ifeanyi, you’re too intelligent to just settle here”. He went on to explain that I should’ve been actively exploring options to further my education abroad to take advantage of the world-class exposure and endless opportunities out there. Those words coming from someone I deeply admired hit me and I started to consider that there was more substance to this Japa movement than I had presumed. No be only hype!

With this new discovery, I threw myself headfirst into scouring the internet for scholarship possibilities and school loan options that could potentially fund my study abroad dreams. But omo, it was like running into a brick wall at every turn. The application processes were so tedious and jumbled, with crazy documentation requirements that made my head spin. As for the student loan packages, the interest rates were utterly outrageous, and the repayment plans looked like they were designed to keep me in debt until kingdom come. It felt like I was taking one tiny step forward, only to be pushed two giant steps back.

Just when I was about to throw in the towel and give up, my guy Emeka came through with a game-changing recommendation. He put me on to this amazing student loan offering that gomoney, a digital bank, launched in partnership with selected schools in Canada and the USA. Emeka recently applied for it to sort out his tuition fees for a medical program in Canada, and he wouldn’t stop talking about how smooth and hassle-free the entire process was.

I immediately checked it out to see if he was lying, and he definitely wasn’t kidding. Their student loan isn’t just for us at home here looking to Japa, but it’s also for Nigerian students who are already overseas and in need of financial support.

It’s beginning to look like my once-upon-a-time fantasy of studying abroad is gradually turning into a beautiful reality. The coolest part is that the bank has partnered with 430 schools in Canada and the US specifically, so options choke!

If you’re like me and you’re yearning to study abroad without worrying about all the funds you have to deal with upon admission, gomoney’s got you. These guys get it, and they’re crafting solutions with us Nigerian students in mind. The shortlist application closes on the 30th of April so if you’re serious about pursuing greener pastures, fill it out now because gomoney wants to help you.


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