Guide to Personal Development

personal-developThree stages of Progress in Life
I have been fortunate to discuss with many young people their aspirations for the future, and I have come to the inescapable conclusion that we have a lot of work to do in Nigeria to get our young people back on track. I have said it many times that Nations of the World are in constant competition and if we do not realize this then the joke is on us. We cannot continue to have an entire generation of Youths that do not belief in themselves, do not believe in Nigeria and then we expect to build a Nation that can cater for our millions of people on a sustainable basis.

It will not work. We have to get our young people to start believing in themselves and to start believgin in Nigeria. There are three stages that I will use as a guide for you to use as your bench mark. In case yo are a tutor or a mentor you may use this too.

Stage One
You have to participate in areas and in projects where it is happening’

You have to seek out and identify those projects and those companies that can use your skills and your drive to achieve greatness. It is your job to seek them out. Do not wait for them to call you. If you neglect to seek them out then someone else will get the opportunity. If you identify the project or company that needs you and your skills then your job is to prepare a presentation that demonstrates how you can make them better, or how you can increase their value.

Stage two
You have to ensure that it is happening as a result of your participation.

You must make sure that your addition to the team has made things better. You must make sure that you are constantly increasing the value of the company or the project in which you are now a part of. And if you find things are left undone you must do them yourself. Do not believe those that tell you not to put in your best. Even if you are not being paid well always give 100%. It will make all the difference in the end.

Stage Three
You have to make things happen.
You must have grown in your status and importance over the years and now you are in a position to make things happen yourself. You must never give up that opportunity. Make things happen for your company, your project or your Country. This will make you a Leader and you will always be relevant .

