Happy New Year

[FILES] Bible
To God be the glory for yet another year. It was out of His mercy that we are not destroyed. The past year witnessed so many challenges, but God in all things remained faithful. As you take stock of your life’s activities last year, and plan on the next lane to navigate this year, do all in your power to be better and not bitter with your weakness or failures. Make a conscious choice to move forward and break limits.
Breaking Limits: Every limit in a man’s life can be limited by the power of God’s glory and grace.

What Are Limits? They are:
• Points or levels beyond which something do not or may not extend or pass.
• A restriction on the size or amount of something permissible or possible.
• A point or value that a sequence, function, or sum of a series can be made to approach progressively, until
it is as close to the point or value as desired.

In The Face Of Limits
• Limits can make you step backward rather than step forward. Limits can make you become a shame in the place of fame
• Limits can be instigated by fear.
• Limits will tell you to do great things and be settled when God has destined you to do the impossible.
• Limits rejoice in complacencies.
• Limits allow you to peacefully settle with average when you can do better.
• Limits tell you do not stretch you will break when you can actually become elastic.
• Limits help you to celebrate failure.
• Limit is a weakness, a restriction, lack of capacity, inability or handicap.

Limits Encourage
• Discouragement
• Deception
• Doubt
• Dilution – this is a story belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.

How Limits Are Built
• By Sin – Isaiah 59:1; Gen. 3:17-19
• By Strong power – Lamentation 3:5-9
• God’s wrath
• Satanic powers
• Strange spirits – Isaiah 44:13.
• Strange teachings – corrupting the mind – 2 Pet. 1:3-5

How To Break Limits
• Commitment in the reading and study of the Holy scripture – 2 Pet. 1:3; 2 Tim. 2:15
• Reading great books – Eccl. 12:9-11, Prov. 23:12
• Listening to great servants of God – Prov. 27:17, Prov. 23:12
• Surrounding oneself with successful people – Prov. 27:17
• Be connected permanently with Christ – Phil. 4:13, Eph. 3:16.
• Allow the Holy Ghost to reign in your life – Mark. 10:27; Rom. 8:37; 1 John 4:4
• It takes glory for limits to be broken – Isaiah 40:3-5; 2 Peter 1:3-5.

I pray for you today, ‘may you be connected to God’s endless grace and ceaseless power in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Because we live in dangerous time you must understand that all time is not for fun, there should be time for serious mindfulness. (Zephaniah 1:14-18)

The happenings of our time strongly suggests that we live in the days that require more prayers than praise. The art of prayer is not the act of play. Every time in life should not be for celebration, but positive reflection. A time should come in our life when we can decide our eternal destiny and destination; and that time is now!

A time when we can remind ourselves of God’s eminent judgement. A day we should close our ears totally to what the environment is saying to what God is speaking to us as individuals and leaders.

In All You Will Do This Year
• Don’t set your eyes on your past. Focus on the future
• Don’t let your today hold you down. Remember that tomorrow may be better.
• Don’t negotiate that which is to come at the expense of that which already is because of may never come or may eventually come with temporal satisfaction. Beneath the unknown lies greatness unseen
• Don’t eat for now. Reserve for morrow.
• Don’t say it all, there will always be another day. Don’t try to impress anyone or compete to meet up with others
• Just cut your clothe according to your materials.


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