Head of Mission Spouses to empower widows

Mission spouses
To commemorate International Women’s month, the Wife of Argentinian Ambassador and Head of Mission Spouses in Nigeria, Mrs. Maria Eugenia Herrero, is partnering with Heart for Widows International to empower and give succor to widows.

Speaking at the Residence of the Argentinian Embassy, which had in attendance, 18 representatives from different countries of the world, she said their goal is to support widows in Nigeria to deal with the situation of vulnerability occasioned by the loss of their husbands.

She said, “The aim of the Head of Mission Spouses in Nigeria in this occasion is to raise a voice for those women who today, may be invisible to the society, disseminating and supporting the Project.”

More so, the Chief Executive Officer, Heart of Widows International, Britt Schulze-Adesida said with its activities in countries across Africa and Asia, they are supporting and empowering widows to live their dreams and be the best versions of themselves despite the situation life has brought their way.

Sixteen Nigerian widows present at the event, shared their testimonies on how they have been supported. While participating countries include Angola, Argentina, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, China, Egypt, Guinea Bissau, Greece, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Namibia, Netherlands, South Africa, Tanzania and Turkey.


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