Increase women’s representation in ECOWAS Parliament, Speaker advises Nigeria

Speaker of Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Sidie Mohamed Tunis, has deplored low representation of Nigerian women in the legislature.
Sidie Mohammed Tunis

Sidie Mohammed Tunis

Speaker of Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Sidie Mohamed Tunis, has deplored low representation of Nigerian women in the legislature.

During an interactive section at a two-day symposium on women’s proportional representation in politics, organised by ECOWAS Female Parliamentarians Association (ECOFEPA), he disclosed plans to engage on addressing the menace.

He submitted: “I am hoping to engage the next Speaker in the Nigerian House of Representatives and President of Senate to encourage them to have more women in the ECOWAS Parliament.

We also want to have a special programme just for Nigeria to encourage stakeholders and the political leadership to ensure that they have more women on their tickets, not just for the National Assembly, but also for even councils.”

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