Japa, The Illustrator lead Peekaboo Productions’ 2023 film slate

Darlington Abuda
Building on the box office successes of the past decade, the lead Producer at Peekaboo Productions, one of the leading production companies in Nigeria, Darlington Abuda, has unveiled the company’s 2023 movie slate, which features an eclectic lineup of films.

Accompanied by a short promotional trailer, Abuda unveiled some of the company’s 2023 projects, including The Illustrator, My Boyfriend Is A Spy, All In One Night and Japa. Abuda, who was named the highest grossing producer for 2010-2019 and also for 2021, said he was excited at the prospects for Nollywood in 2023, given the high quality of movies that the industry was currently churning out, as well as the positive reception of Nollywood movies both within and without Nigeria.

Speaking on the company’s plans for the year, Abuda said Peekaboo Productions has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, by taking on exciting new projects and working with top-of-the-line production companies including Corporate World Entertainment Limited, Filmone Entertainment, Rok Studios, Williams Uchemba Productions, and Umenze Media to name a few.

“But this year is really going to be impressive, because we are taking things a notch higher with a full slate of creatively explorative projects that will all make an avant-garde statements, because each film will be unique; interesting characters and compelling storytelling will be the common denominators in every title that will be produced by the company this year,” he assured.

In addition to the film slate, Abuda revealed that Peekaboo Productions would also be working and collaborating with some partners to produce movies for theatrical and streaming platforms.

“After an unprecedented year for Nollywood with great box office strides as people lost their fear of COVID-19 and the cinemas once again started recording good numbers, we are open and excited to also work with willing investors to create titles that will be a sumptuous feast to the eyes,” Abuda said, adding that as an incubator helping to launch the careers of the next generation of creatives, he will be working with some selected Directors, producers and actors to ensure that there is always a pool of talents in the industry.

Journalist, PR Practitioner and movie producer, Abuda has signed a number of critically acclaimed Nollywood movies including Christmas in Miami, Almajiri, and Edge of Time as producer.


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