Killer goal on Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day

Chuks Diamond woke up that early morning with a call by Mr. Shotgun, the fearless and merciless kidnapper, who was known for wreaking havoc on many families and leaving pain and sorrow in his trail.

Mr. Shotgun was reputed to be behind many dangerous and diabolic kidnapping in Nigeria and the Federal Police Authorities in collaboration with the UK Intelligence Unit had been on the lookout for him for years with no positive result.

“Chuks, I’ve got your fiancée in my den,” Mr. Shotgun growled, “if you want her alive, you must pay a ransom of N100 million, and secondly you must not score a goal in today’s match. If you fail to cooperate with me I’ll butcher your lover like a cow in the abattoir and give you her severed head as a Valentine’s gift! Is that clear?”

“Yesssir…I’ll do whatever you say,” Chuks stammered, “but please don’t harm Helena…please in the name of God…” He was sweating and fidgety as he shook his head, not knowing what to do.
“Shut up and do what I said,” Mr. Shotgun retorted sharply. “Who told you I know God? To hell with you and your belief! I don’t give a damn whose ox is gored. I don’t care or know God, you motherf..ker!”

Chuks was in his mid 20s and he was a wonderful footballer. He was a tall, dark-skinned and handsome young man. He was the lifesaver of his team, Pearl Mariners International Club. He was a very talented striker and his team depended on his skill and dexterity in scoring goals even at odd times. That very year’s Valentine’s Day fell on the day the final match would be played between the Pearl Mariners International Club and the Forest Tigers Club. He shook his head again in deep sadness and confusion.

“What would I do now?” he thought questioningly. “I had been warned not to score any goal in today’s final match.” He knew that the success of his team greatly depended on his awesome skills and knack for scoring goals. He wondered what would be the result of the match if he failed to score his usual fantastic goals.

Chuks was a multimillion dollar sportsman and footballer. But in this very crucial match he had been warned not to score any goal lest he lose the life of his only sweetheart, Helena, whom he cherished so much. What matters to him now wasn’t money or pride but the life of his fiancée and lover, Helena. Whatever Shotgun said he always meant it and nobody plays with him. A painful tear dropped from the corner of Chuks’ eyes as he remembered his cruel fate. He wondered how he would wriggle out of the deadly snares he now found himself. Shotgun handed the phone to Helena after giving her four hard and dirty slaps in quick succession. The beautiful Helena fell down in pains and cried as she spoke with Chuks, begging him to do as they demanded. Chuks couldn’t sleep again as he sighed for the umpteenth time and the time was exactly 5a.m.

He thought over the whole thing in a flash and by instinct something greater than him said he should instantly call DSP Andrew Stevens who was in charge of crime in the UK police at that point in time. He picked his mobile phone and called the experienced police officer who was noted for solving mind-boggling crimes in the UK.

“Hello Chuks, how are you doing?” Mr. Stevens said, “Is everything okay?”

“I have a very big problem Mr. Stevens,” Chuks said morosely, with tears streaming down his brows. “And it’s a matter of life and death, more of death than life…”

In a few minutes time, Chuks had narrated the strange development to the highly-skilled crack detective. Stevens assured Chuks that the British Police would try their best in unravelling and arresting the demonic kidnapper, Shotgun, but he should be prayerful because Mr. Shotgun had been on their wanted man’s list for some years. Chuks trembled and sobbed like a baby as he spoke with the officer during the telephone conversation.

That Valentine’s Day final match between the Pearl Mariners International Club and the Forest Tigers was to be played at the prestigious Wembley Stadium in London. The match was supposed to start at 12 p.m prompt. Chuks had already joined his team half-heartedly, with misty and tearful eyes. His team mates and coach wondered why Chuks wasn’t his usual self because he looked sober, terribly sad and melancholic. But he didn’t disclose the reason for his sadness and taciturnity. Moreover he had been warned by Mr. Shotgun not to tell anybody if he valued the life of his fiancée and sweetheart. That day, the stadium was filled to full capacity because it was an international league Cup match for the European season. Spectators and fans had trooped in from all the four corners of the world to watch this great and eventful final football match.

Pronto, the match began in earnest, with the opposing team, the Forest Tigers dominating the game in the first 20 minutes. Chuks wasn’t composed at all in the great match. Millions of his fans and spectators wondered why he couldn’t make his usual dazzling moves and wonderful strikes. His coach and team manager were all worried and sad. They knew that losing the match would spell doom for the Pearl Mariners International Club because they would lose millions of dollars and their record as the champion would go down. No one knew the dilemma and trouble raging in the mind of Chuks, the Nigerian born superstar. His mind was heavy with grief, sadness and confusion.

Somehow, the first 45 minutes ticked on and the referee blew for first half. As the Pearl Mariners team strolled to their dressing room, Chuks was all tears and sobs. His coach and team mates asked him what was the matter but he wouldn’t say a word. He just shook his head in the negative. He cleaned the tears with his right hand and said nothing. His coach and other team mates then told him to be more focused and forget whatever was bugging him and play his usual style. No one knew that the life of his lover and fiancée was at stake. He would never make the mistake of saying what was raging inside of him. Doing this would mean he would lose his lover to the cold hands of death.

The second half had started in a twinkling of an eye and the Forest Tigers were still dominating the match, making life hellish for the Pearl Mariners. But it was still goalless even 15 minutes into the second half. The attackers and strikers of the Forest Tigers made deadly moves that could break the defenders of the Pearl Mariners but the goal keeper was always there to rescue his team. The whole fans of the Pearl Mariners realised that this was a tragedy and calamity of high magnitude. What would they do now as it seemed the chips were down? They knew something was definitely wrong with Chuks but no one knew exactly what the matter was. They were all cocksure Chuks wasn’t the person playing that match. His mind definitely was not on the football pitch.

It was exactly two minutes to the end of the match when someone rushed towards Chuks as he was about taking a corner kick to whisper to him that his lover had been rescued and saved! It was in the die minutes of the second half. Instantly, life came to his heart and he kicked the ball with his awesome skill and there was a stampede and struggle at the goal post of the Forest Tigers. Chuks emerged like a bolt out of the blue with a great header that penetrated the goal post of the Forest Tigers.

It was the only goal of that eventful match! The Pearl Mariners had won the final match for that European League Season. There was joy and great jubilation.

As the happy crowd cheered and raised Chuks high from the ground he saw Helena, coming towards him, with DSP Stevens by her side. She was all smiles and giggles. Chuks got down from the arms of his teeming fans and walked happily towards his beautiful lover. The ebullient Police Officer told Chuks how Shotgun and his gang were arrested in their hideout that very day. Shotgun was now cooling his heels at the police headquarters for further interrogation. He would be sentenced to jail as soon as possible. Chuks was full of praise and thanks to God Almighty for saving the life of his sweetheart from the deadly kidnapper, Shotgun. He also thanked DSP Stevens for risking his life to save his fiancée.

“Oh, I love you, Helena!” Chuks said gleefully.
“I love you too, Chuks; you’re the pearl of my heart!” Helena replied softly.

Chuks hugged and kissed Helena in an ecstatic fashion. He left the Wembley Stadium after so much celebration and drove to the London Heathrow Airport with his lover. His private jet was already waiting for him and his pilot. Before one could say ‘Chuks’ he flew to Nigeria with great joy and ecstasy to celebrate the Valentine’s Day. They journeyed to Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross-river State to celebrate the Valentine’s Day amid pomp and pageantry. It was a memorable and unforgettable Valentine’s Day for Chuks and his fiancée, the affable, angelic and lovable Helena! They would never forget the day in a hurry.


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