Lagos Traffic Jams: Ways To Avoid Them At Yuletide

AROUND the world, traffic jam is often the price for rapid development and a growing economy. It is often inescapable in metropolitan areas. It occurs when the volume of traffic leads to a demand for space that is greater than available road capacity.

IMGAROUND the world, traffic jam is often the price for rapid development and a growing economy. It is often inescapable in metropolitan areas. It occurs when the volume of traffic leads to a demand for space that is greater than available road capacity.

Road users or commuters are often frustrated by policymaker’s inability to do much about the problem. Although it might be impossible for governments to eliminate congestions altogether, there are nevertheless ways to avoid them.

Lagos State, the economic capital of Nigeria and business hub of West Africa is no stranger to traffic jams. It has a network of over 2700km of roads with a vehicular density of 740 vehicles per kilometer. The state is notorious for its slow traffic, and driving can be frustrating if you are not informed ahead of time about possible challenges you might face. No one likes to be held up in unending traffic on highways and inner roads. As a result, people must abide by a few rules.

•The first is: plan your day. Don’t step out of the house or office without a road plan. You must know where you need to go and when you need to get there; this will help you determine the best routes and alternative routes to your destination.

•The second is: leave early. Another way to avoid traffic jam during the festive period and after is leave for your destination on time. This gives you a buffer for any traffic eventualities that may come up.

•The third is: master all alternative routes.
•The fourth is: don’t rubberneck. Stopping or reducing speed to take a look at a roadside scene will worsen the traffic situation.

As the festive period draws near, let’s drive safely and obey traffic officials and road signs. Also, use mobile phone apps to track traffic situations on the roads.

Ogunfowokan writes from Lagos


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