Looking for who to use in times like this – Part 1

The Rector, Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu

The Quest
The word: in times like this, calls to human mind of certain relevant issues needing attention and urgent participation. The question that quickly comes to mind is what is so important about the time we are into? What makes this time different from the time past and what does this time hold for the future? Another thing is, what is required in the time in view?

To this, therefore, our resolve is built. And taking up the challenge is not only necessary, but also eminent. God seeks for a vessel.

Morphology Of Time
Paul in writing to the Ephesian Church made a striking and inspirational statement: “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil,” Eph. 5:16.

In the above statement, time seems to be placed in a condition of been sold out and is now in the hand of someone else, which needs to be redeemed possibly with a price.

It also suggests that the ‘time’ has expired and certain things, which were supposed to take place in that time, are greatly missing — therefore let those things be given urgent attention.

According to NIV, it suggests that every opportunity requires a measure of attention, which if neglected could be tantamount to certain regrettable circumstances, which might affect posterity. The Greek word translated redeeming is having a sense of buying up something to ransom; figuratively to rescue from loss and improve opportunity.

Certain things could result to lose of time, opportunity and chance. When a man fails to do certain things at the required time, it means he leaves the responsibility for the future, which might get to a level that will require more energy than the time it was expected to be carried out.

Some of the things that could result to this are:
• Fear
• Obstacles
• Negligence
• Sentiment/favouritism
• Procrastination
• Refusal to step out of our comfort zone
• Selfishness
• Missing out in God’s plan
• Right tool in the wrong hand and many more

Men who fear do not dare; until you dare, something cannot be dear to you. When people fear, they lose certain things that would have been precious to them. Sometimes, out of fear people fail to say what they are suppose to say at that time and when it becomes late everyone suffers it because the mouth that was supposed to speak was closed as a result of fear.

Sometimes fear makes people say things wrongly with the intention of let us not hurt anyone, as a result of not hurting someone, the future is sacrificed and posterity is halted. There are certain things that if they were said yesterday would have solved the problems of today or the problems they are currently generating. To this, the wise man said: “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe,” Prov. 29:25.

Obstacles either make or mar the man. At times, instead of looking at the challenges we face in life as opportunity to prove our manhood, we see it as God’s plan to stop us from daring great heights.

I did say once in my book: “Be Youthful and Useful,” that obstacles are stones; either you make them a stumbling block or a stepping stone is left to you. This is because without obstacles there will be no tentacles.

Obstacles in times of urgent needs and decision-making have made so many people to shrink back, everybody feels I am not ready for this now, thereby, allowing the situation to foster and that single act alone could result to fossilisation of any system or organisation. You know a true friend and a true brother when obstacles and adversities come. How true are we to where we belong? In Proverbs, the scripture says: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity,” Prov. 17:17.

This is one of the killer diseases in the church and family today. Everybody feels it is not mine to do, let the others do it; it is not mine to say it, let the others say it, it is not mine to go, let the other go.

When the job is said to be everybody’s job, it is logically nobody’s job. This agrees with an Igbo adage that says: “The goat that belongs to everyone easily sleeps away from home.” When there is a task for everyone and you are waiting for someone else to do it, and that someone is waiting for another just like that, you will discover that at the end nobody will do it. This results to little or no growth in the system.

Seeking the favour of the king and leader has resulted to backwardness in the society today. When the adviser to the leader fails to speak the truth to the leader, but just to gain his favour, it will not only place the leader at risk, but will create a virus as deadly as ‘Odinga’ to the future generation.

That God allows you to be the adviser to the leader today is not a guarantee that you will be there forever. If you are there just to gain favour, you have not only failed that leader, but God and posterity. When that leader fails because of your wrong advise, you have failed and you even stand the chance of losing the said favour before the leader, if the truth is discovered at the end. The scripture affirms: “The king’s favour is toward a wise servant but his wrath is against him who causes shame,” Prov. 14:35.

If not now, when will it be? Someone said procrastination is a thief of time. According to the preacher, there is time for everything (Eccl. 3:1). When the time for a particular task is postponed you are only adding pressure to the future.

God grants us equal time, each of these times require certain things to be accomplished. Failing to accomplish what is required could not only be deadly, but detrimental to the future.


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