More Time For Lily’s Trendiers On UNILAG FM

Sukomi Olusola made frantic efforts last Tuesday to call the host of Lilys Trendiers, a 30 minutes programme that runs every Tuesday at 1.30pm on Unilag radio. But like many other listeners who may have tried to call in to be part of the very educative, informative and entertaining programme, he was unlucky to get through. Even when he managed to get through, he discovered that the show host Lilian Adaora Udodi had signed off.

On that Tuesday, Lily as the show host is simply called had requested listeners to call and contribute to the trending topic of the day—the celebrated Marriage between the Edo State Governor Adams Oshiomole and his Ethiopian beau. Lilian and her studio guest had hardly touched on the topic when she moved on to another segment of the programme thus denying listeners like Sukomi the opportunity to contribute to the very interesting discussion.

Even the guest segment Lily launched lasted for only three minutes, making it also impossible for listeners to call in and ask questions. It also made the programme appear less interactive and this is not good for a programme that addresses trending issues and developments.

It is clear that the 30 minutes allotted the programme has become inadequate. Hard as she tries, the show host has found it difficult to accommodate all the segments in a single edition.

For instance, Lily only managed to run through the news segment and the guest segment last Tuesday but the programme has an entertainment segment and ‘a do it yourself’ segment where young entrepreneurs are educated on how to begin or grow their businesses.

There is also a current affairs segment which the stations target audience particularly students have found very useful. Ardent listeners of the programme took to social media to demand for an extension of time for the programme.

They are of the view that Lilys Trendiers needs an extension of time if it is to achieve its full potentials. A listener like Sukomi wants the time extended for ‘’another thirty minutes or even an hour’’. According to him ‘’such a very educative, enlightening, entertaining and interactive programme should run beyond 30 minutes. It should run for one hour. That way it will give us the opportunity to join in the studio discussion and take on the guest. But the way it is now, by the time you are making up your mind to call, the programme is over. We appeal to the station managers to do something about the timing’’.

Lilian, the show host recently completed the M.Sc. programme in Mass Communication at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She holds a B.Sc. degree in Communication and Multimedia from the American University of Nigeria (AUN), Yola and an Associate degree in Psychology from the California State University, Los Angeles, California, USA. She created and presented a programme on etiquette titled “Manners that matter” on Radio Unilag 103.1 FM, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos and she also presents a programme titled “Ethnic City” on Channel M1, an internet television station.

