‘My journey into motherhood is a unique one’


Oyindamola (Oyin) Isaac is an award-winning author, certified human resources professional, and the founder of A Sacred Motherhood Institute in Ontario, Canada. Her organisation supports and empowers mothers, nurturing women from all walks of life. Oyin hosts the annual M.O.M (Mom On Mission) conference, a free event celebrating the impact of mothers on their families and communities. She also founded African Canadian Weddings, a platform promoting African Canadian weddings and event vendors, with a strong online following. Recognised as one of the 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women and Canada’s Top 100 Black Women to Watch, Oyin has received numerous accolades, including the Rising Leader Award in 2024 and the Ontario Volunteer Service Award in 2024. She is also a certified payroll compliance practitioner and human resources professional. Beyond her professional achievements, Oyin is a devoted mother and wife, residing in Mississauga, Ontario, with her husband, Ebenezer Isaac, and their two children. Her work continues to make a meaningful impact, leaving a lasting legacy of love, empowerment, and celebration. In this interview with Esther Ijewere share shares her story.

tion Behind A Sacred Motherhood Institute

My personal journey into motherhood is a unique one that I like to tag as “four pregnancies, two babies”, reflecting my experiences with an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage. This led and inspired me to document my experiences in my first book, “Motherhood, a Sacred Ministry – Basking in the Joys of Motherhood”. During the book launch, I held a question and answer session that garnered significant positive feedback, leading to the inaugural M.O.M. (Mom On Mission) Conference in 2022. Held virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions, the conference has since become highly sought after, fostering the creation of A Sacred Motherhood community.
The success of these initiatives led to the establishment of A Sacred Motherhood Institute, a registered non-profit organisation in Ontario, Canada. Founded with a passion for honouring the profound role of mothers, the Institute is dedicated to nurturing, empowering, and uplifting mothers from all walks of life. Our community celebrates motherhood’s divine essence and beauty, providing a safe and supportive space for mothers to explore their spiritual maternal instincts, embrace their unique strengths, and cultivate a sense of purpose in their motherhood calling.

Memorable moment from the M.O.M Conference
Selecting a single highlight from the wholesome moments and memories we shared at the M.O.M 3.0 Conference, held on May 11th, 2024 to celebrate Mother’s Day is quite challenging. But if I were to share a memorable moment it would be after the completion of the conference, mingling and connecting with every mother present. With over 100 people in attendance, both in-person and virtually, the feedback from the conference and how impactful the content shared at the conference was to them was beautiful to know and listen to. From the engaging workshops on topics ranging from self-care, exercising, and fitness as a lifestyle to real estate and financial literacy to the keynote speakers panelists session, to the breakfast, games, mini photoshoot, and the tote bags with the goodies inside. It was an amazing experience and overall a beautiful celebration of mothers. Our attendees and the Sacred Motherhood community are already looking forward to M.O.M. 4.0, scheduled for Saturday, May 10, 2025.

African Canadian Weddings
African Canadian Weddings started in August 2016 as a hub to promote and highlight African Canadian weddings and event vendors across Canada. Over time, it has expanded its reach and now boasts a substantial presence with over 40,000 followers across Facebook (Meta) and Instagram. Our platform serves as a vital avenue for African Canadian community vendors to market their services and showcase their work to a wide audience. Through consistent advertisement and publicity efforts, vendors have gained increased visibility and exposure within the African Canadian community. Lastly, through digital Innovation and embracing digital trends, African Canadian Weddings has utilised social media platforms effectively to engage its audience, including live sessions, interactive posts, and behind-the-scenes content, keeping followers engaged and informed.

Key HR Challenges and Solutions
As a Human Resources professional, I have faced several key challenges that have shaped my career. Transitioning from the human-facing side of HR to the analytical side of payroll and prioritising my Payroll Compliance Practitioner (PCP) designation over my Certified HR Professional (CHRP) has been particularly significant. Another challenge is staying abreast of constantly evolving payroll regulations and ensuring compliance but I was able to combat this by continuously educating myself through professional development courses and subscribing to industry updates. I have also learned to be nimble and agile as well, you just have to be in an ever-changing government updates to both Payroll and Human Resources practices.

Balancing Professional and Personal Life
I prefer the term “juggle” over “balance” when describing how I manage my roles as a wife, intentional mother of two, HR Payroll Manager, author, Founder of A Sacred Motherhood, and CEO & contributing Editor of African Canadian Weddings. By compartmentalizing these responsibilities, I handle them one task at a time, creating a rhythm with the help of God. Occasionally, one area may receive less attention, but that’s when I rely on my support system, including my hands-on husband and trusted family members. This arrangement allows me to focus on my career without fearing I’m missing out on my children’s formative years or my personal life in general

Advice for Women Impacting Communities
To women looking to make a significant impact in their communities, I’d recommend these practical steps that have and are helping me: Be Willing to Serve, embrace opportunities to volunteer, and contribute your time and skills. Genuine service is the foundation of meaningful community impact. Cultivate a Heart of Service and Compassion and Approach community work with empathy and a genuine desire to help others. Develop Leadership Skills and strive to be a role model for others. Build a Strong Network, seek Mentorship, and work towards mentoring others.

Find your community. Share your knowledge and skills to empower others within the community. Stay Committed and Persistent. Be resilient. Set Clear Goals and Measure Impact. Lastly, Practice Self-Care. Balancing community work with personal well-being is crucial. Remember Self-Care is not selfish. You can’t pour from an empty cup!

2024 Ontario Volunteer Service Award Significance
Being selected alongside over 6,500 community leaders by the Ontario government for the 2024 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards is both astounding and deeply gratifying. Through my volunteer work at CASA Foundation for International Development, a Canadian Registered Non-Profit founded in 2011 to advance women, youths, and emerging leaders, through economic, entrepreneurship, and business development initiatives. This award validates and honours my selfless contributions and ongoing dedication to CASA Foundation and my tireless work at A Sacred Motherhood Institute.

Women who Inspire Oyindamola
Dr. Olutoyin Oyelade, Dara Treseder and Uche Pedro. These remarkable women inspire me profoundly through their exceptional achievements in their respective fields. They exemplify a perfect balance between professional excellence and family dedication, demonstrating that it is possible to thrive both in their careers and personal lives. Their ability to succeed as professionals while also flourishing as mothers and wives is truly impressive. Additionally, their unwavering faith and love for God, which permeates their work, further distinguishes them as my sources of inspiration. I am in a mentorship relationship with Dr. Olu and I hope I get to meet with both Dara and Uche in person someday.

Being a Woman of Rubies
My proven character, tenacity, and grit distinguish me as a “woman of rubies”. Despite the numerous roles I fulfill, I take pride in maintaining a noble, humble, and godly character, which has been a cornerstone of my personal and professional identity.


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