NASFAT Laylatul Qadr… Seeking night of majesty, praying for the nation 

NASFAT Missioner, Imam Moshood Teslim (left); NASFAT Chief Missioner Worldwide, Sheikh AbdulAzeez Onike; Director of Programme, NASFAT Missionary, Imam Ibrahim Jeje and Member NASFAT Mission Board, Dr Dawood Oliyide during Nasrul-Lahi-L-Faith Society (NASFAT) 2023 Laylatul Qadr Programme at the NASFAT Islamic Centre, Aseese along Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State… on Friday night.  PHOTO: SHAKIRAH ADUNOLA

Last Friday night, over two thousand members of Nasrul-lahi-l-faith (NASFAT) society worldwide gathered at the society’s Islamic centre in Aseese, Ogun State to offer prayers for socio-economic and political well being of Nigeria.

Tagged: ‘The night of majesty’ (Laylatul Qadr), the occasion is regarded as a unique moment when supplication by Muslims receive divine acceptance by the Almight.

According to the saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Allah (SWT) has given Muslims  the golden opportunity to multiply their rewards in the last 10 days of Ramadan. One night in these last 10 nights is known as the night of power. Deeds performed during Laylatul Qadr attract multiple rewards of 1000 months.

At the event, the president of NASFAT, Niyi Yusuf, urged members of the society to reflect on their lives and relationship with Allah (SWT). “Let us repent for our sins and seek forgiveness from the Almighty. Let us make sincere dua to Allah (SWT) for our needs and the needs of our families, friends, neighbours and the ummah at large,” he said. He urged members to extend generosity to the less privileged and also contribute judiciously to the development of the society’s national mosque.

“Let us also remember those who are less fortunate than us and make a commitment to help them in any way we can. Let us all commit to contributing to the completion of our National Mosque, on this ground at Aseese. Every contribution matters.

“To our Imams, workers and volunteers, I say Jazakhumullah Khayran for your selfless efforts to humanity.” The National Missioner, Sheikh Abdul Azeez Onike, said the members of the society gathered to call on Allah on one of the special nights of the holy month to ask for His guidance and mercy. “The theme of the day, ‘Fasting: The sure key to Allah’s mercy’ was chosen because of its significance in the life of the adherents. Almighty Allah enjoined us to forsake our food, water and conjugal right to attain taqwa to gain numerous blessings.”

He encouraged Muslims to endeavour to continue with the good deeds imbibed during the holy month.
“Ensure you continue with all the acts of worship Allah made easier for you in Ramadan. Indeed, Ramadan will soon end, but the door of good deeds will never close,” he said.

He tasked political office holders to be conscious of the needs of the electorate. “We voted for them with the hope that they will take care of our needs. So, we put our trust and destiny in them.”

Chairman, Ramadan Central Working Committee 2023, Engr. Kamar Olawuyi said the Night of Majesty is important in Islam because the reward of worship on the night of Majesty is equivalent to act of worship of 1000 months and every Muslim usually strives to maximise this reward. “It is a night of blessing and forgiveness and spiritual renewal which every Muslim desires to witness.”

The Chairman of the National Council of Elders, Alhaji Yunus Saliu, expressed profound gratitude to NASFAT President, Alhaji Niyi Yusuf, members of the National Executive Committee and members of the Ramadan Committee for working assiduously to arrange a befitting venue and to provide top quality facilities for the all night event.

“We salute their great efforts and sacrifices in serving Allah. Let us remind ourselves of the importance of charity and benevolence. “Ramadan is the glorious month of the Quran, the month of Allah’s forgiveness and mercy. It is the month to increase our taqwa (piety) and to display exceptional acts of kindness, love and charity to family members, the poor, the needy, the sick and the less privilege in the community.

“I enjoin every one of us to give out something tonight; and let us do more by donating generously to NAFAT’s laudable projects particularly, the completion phase of the NASFAT National Mosque and Islamic Centre, Aseese and Fountain University, Osogbo,” he said.


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