New AIG Kokumo vows to tackle criminals infiltrating Lagos

The new Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Police in charge of Zone 2 Command, Onikan, Johnson Kokumo, has said that henceforth, Lagos and Ogun states will no longer be a safe haven for kidnappers and criminals.

Kokumo stated this at the Zone 2 Command Headquarters, Onikan, where he resumed as the new helmsman.

He said his mission to the two states was to detect, prevent and fight crime and criminals in Lagos and Ogun states.

“We know too well that Ogun State is a Gateway State. We have trans-border criminals coming in through Idiroko. We also know too well that criminals cross into Lagos through Seme border and we will not tolerate this.

“We are here to prevent and detect crime. We are here to fight crime and criminals and we will not fail the good people of Lagos and Ogun states.

“We will fight criminals to the best of our capacity. We will leave no stone unturned to let criminals in the two states know that these places are no longer safe for them to operate with impunity,” he said.

The AIG also said that security strategies would be updated as every police formation will be reactivated to tackle crime through the air, land and water, adding that the command would tackle criminality in the zone through synergy with other security agencies and members of the public.

“The zone 2 command is ready to fight criminals in the water, on land and we will equally do all to fight criminals from the air because I have the mandate of the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) to leave no stone unturned in fighting crime and criminals,” he said.

“We will rejig the current security strategy, activate the marine police, the air wing of the Nigeria Police and we will do all in synergy with sister security agencies.

“We will also leave no stone unturned to ensure that we do policing in Lagos and Ogun with professionalism to build good relationship with the people,” he further said.

AIG Kokumo said he knew his job would require adequate equipment but gave the assurance that the government would do all to pro

The police boss further said that the new Inspector-General of Police, Usman Baba, was passionate about the welfare of policemen and would ensure that there are improved welfare packages for police officers.


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