NGO petitions minister, police, EFCC over NECO exam malpractice

The Exam Ethics Marshal International (EEMI), has petitioned the Minister of Education, Inspector General of Police, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) over the 2015 National Examination Council examination malpractice.

This development is contained in a statement signed by Mr Anthony Eromosele, the Head Public Relations, EEMI, an NGO and made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Friday.

It said that the petition asked for the arrest and prosecution of members of the Exam Fraud Syndicate.

The statement said that the syndicate perpetrated mass cheating at the 2015 NECO May/June exams at NOBOS Secondary School, Lagos.

“The purpose of the petition is to draw attention to the report published by Punch Newspapers on Nov. 8 regarding the exam malpractice syndicate.

“Our request is for members of the syndicate, who were mentioned in the report to be apprehended and prosecuted in line with the anti-corruption policy of Mr President.’’

It stated that the special exam centres or exam miracle centres were schools being used by exam fraud syndicates as fronts for mass cheating.

The statement added that these exam centres were called miracle centres because they guaranteed students good results in connivance with corrupt school and exam officials.

It said that such practice had virtually destroyed public exam systems conducted by exam bodies such as the West African Examination Council, Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, among others.

The statement stated that copies of the petitions had also been sent to the national headquarters of NECO.

A NECO official, who spoke with NAN on the allegation of exam malpractices, said that the examination body had started investigating the case to ascertain the veracity of the matter.

The official, who pleaded anonymity, said that the organisation learnt about the case from a newspaper report and started the investigations based on that.

