NIN exercise is choking Nigerians

Surge for NIN! More people rush to register for their National Identification Number (NIN) at the headquarters of National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) in Abuja…yesterday. PHOTO: LUCY LADIDI ATEKO
I humbly wish to draw the attention of the Federal Government to stop the so much advertised registration of subscribers of GSM. The ongoing exercise directed on National Identification Number (NIN) is nothing, but an absolute insult to Nigerians. It shows that the government does not know how much money these GSM companies rake into their pockets.

It also reveals that the government has no idea of the profit these telecom companies turn in through the sales of recharge cards and even phones.

I, however, advise that instead of disturbing Nigerians with the NIN exercise, these GSM companies should be assigned to turn over the registration details of their line users.

The exercise is creating the impression that government cares less or pretends not to know the level of hardship its citizens are passing through. Government should also be informed that there are many Nigerians that cannot conveniently get to the various registration centres due to the poor health conditions they now find themselves and mandating them to do so would amount to adding to their sufferings.

Also, there is the problem of pensioners, who are directed to go to their state capitals to up-date their verification data. This is on the hard side for many of them who are bedridden or cannot undertake long-distance travel. 

Choking citizens with senseless and un-productive directives could cause another breakdown of law and order. And I think it would make some sense to create NIN zonal offices in all the local councils across the country for this exercise. Doing this would not only hasten the process but also ease the pains and torture people are passing through.

I, also, think a similar solution should go for the Immigration Services that would make passport seekers fill forms in one location and go to a distant location for booklet processing.

It is high time the government begins to treat Nigerians with the respect they desire.

• Alhaji Usman Abudah, Auchi, Edo State. 


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