NITT seeks speedy review, passage of institute’s Act

Bayero Salih

Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Dr. Bayero Salih, has appealed to the National Assembly to urgently review and pass the NITT Enabling Act with a view to expanding its scope and internal revenue generation capacity.

He made the appeal while receiving members of the Joint House and Senate Committee on Land Transport, led by Chairman, House Committee on Land Transport, Tajudeen Abass, who visited the institute for an oversight function in Kaduna.

Salih noted that when reviewed, the Act would reduce the institute’s dependence on the Federal Government for funding and improve the economy.

He explained that the transportation sector had evolved significantly compared with when the institute was established 35 years ago, adding: “Hence, we require legislative support to streamline the institute’s enabling Act.

“The need to review the Act is pressing and if it is realised, it will enable the NITT to carry out responsibilities more effectively and efficiently. It will also expand its scope of operation and increase opportunities for revenue generation instead of relying entirely on government,” he stated.

Responding, Abbas pledged that the National Assembly will sponsor the Act and double its efforts in ensuring that President Muhammadu Buhari signs it into law on or before July 2023.


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