Nsukka professionals seek FERMA’s intervention over deplorable Ninth Mile-Opi Expressway

Nsukka Professionals Association (NPA) has made a passionate appeal to the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA), to urgently intervene and rescucitate the failed portion of Ninth Mile-Opi Expressway.

The group made the appeal when it made an Save-Our-Soul visit to the Acting Managing Director of FERMA, Engr. Chimezie Godson Amos and his management team.

At the end of the meeting, the group lauded the FERMA boss over his assurance of speedy intervention on the failed Expressway.

President of NPA, Charles Nwodo, Junior, who led the delegation told newsmen after the meeting that, their single item agenda was to present the deplorable state of the Ninth Mile- Opi Expressway (And the Old Road too) to the Management of FERMA for their urgent and far reaching attention.

He also said, their effort was to raise awareness about the deplorable condition of the road and impact on the lives and economies of all the adjoining and surrounding communities.

Mr. Nwodo further explained that, “We came to FERMA to appeal to the agency for intervention with regards to the failed road linking Ninth Mile-Opi with Makurdi. It is the only economy entry between the Northern part of the country with the Southern part.

“That road has completely failed with grave impact on the economy and lifestyle of the Nsukka people of the South East Zone. The entire road is completely cut off from the rest of the country, and it is something nobody really wants to talk about. So, we came here to transmit the cries and agony of our people to the management of FERMA to intervene so that the road will be made motorable. And to improve the economic well-being of our people.”

He also stated that, they met with the Acting Managing Director of FERMA, Engr. Chimezie Godson Amos “who graciously approve immediate intervention, possibly in the current budget that is being worked on.”

According to the NPA President, the FERMA Acting boss has “promised us that they will make provisions for palliative measures and restorative actions on that road immediately. Infact, he called the Area Controller South East and instructed them to make assessment of the critically failed part of the road with a view to escalating the budget for immediate action to the Acting Managing Director’s office.

“So, we are very grateful for the kind of response the management of FERMA gave to us. On behalf of the millions of Nigerian citizens from Nsuka cultural zone, Enugu North Senatorial District, we want to express immense and heartfelt gratitude to the Acting MD of FERMA, Engr. Chimezie and his team for this favorable and swift attention to our request.”

Nwodo also revealed that, the road has been in deplorable condition for long, but the previous administrations did not do anything to fix the road.

“Now, this is a survival fight, we can not leave the survival of our people only to the political leaders. We believe that any person of good conscience from the zone who can, should be able to seek for attention and intervention of relevant agencies of government.

“And that is why we are here. We are not a political or partisan organization. We are just a group of citizens who are professionals who happens to come from Enugu North Senatorial Zone. We are pained by the suffering of our people, and this is where we will be buried, when we died. So, it is important we cast aside politics or positional responsibility. This is a collective responsibility.”

This is as he called on all indigenes of the state across party divide in Nigeria starting from the governor, to the national and state assembly members respectively to do everything possible to see to the speedy rehabilitation of the road.

He said, “Hopefully our political leaders can ride on the initiative to reach out to the other government agencies and officials. With such coordinated efforts I am sure we can drive on the road this December by the special grace



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