Nwifuru lauds S’Court over election judgement

Francis Nwifuru

Pledges to industrialise Ebonyi 
Governor Francis Nwifuru of Ebonyi State, yesterday, said that Ebonyi is the only state in the country without an industry, insisting that he will attract more than two industries to boost the economy and wellbeing of the state.

The governor disclosed this at the exco chambers, New Government House, Abakaliki, during a welcome back reception by stakeholders after his Supreme Court victory.

He noted that he felt so emotional days before the judgement, adding that with the victory, his major focus would be to reposition the state, industrially.

He maintained that with two or more industries in the state, it will not only provide employment for the people, but will also boost the revenue profile of the state.

The governor added that he will provide an enabling environment that will attract investors into the state.

He said: “The state is blessed with solid minerals, as well as a peaceful environment. I hope this will attract investors to come and invest in the state.

Nwifuru, who noted that the Supreme Court judgement has redeemed the image of the country, further said that his efforts to work together with Prof. Bernard Odo of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and Ifeanyi Odii of the People Democratic Party (PDP), after he was declared the winner of March 18, 2023 election, proved abortive, but rather was met with conspiracy.


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