Obasanjo charges varsities on solutions to terrorism

UN restates commitment to joining war against Boko Haram
FORMER Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo yesterday urged universities in West Africa to increase cooperation and proffer creative solutions to the menace of terrorism in the sub-region.

The former president, who stated this at the Third Annual Conference of the Association of West African Universities (AWAU) in Abuja, maintained that there was the need for universities in the region to develop a curriculum and research methodologies the will engender peace and human security in Africa and the world.

According to Obasanjo, “Peace in Africa and in the world is getting increasingly compromised through violent extremism to which our universities should rise stoutly to defend and find solutions.

“We need our universities to come up with creative solutions and urge AWAU to take leadership in this quest of delivering a curriculum and research methodologies that will foster a culture of peace and human security in Africa and in the world.”

Meanwhile, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa, Mr. Mohammed Chambas yesterday restated UN’s commitment to supporting Nigeria in overcoming its challenges of Boko Haram terrorism.

Chambas told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that the UN stood in solidarity with the Nigerian government in its ongoing effort at fighting the activities of Boko Haram.

“Today, as we can all see, terrorism is no longer a Nigerian problem alone. It has become an international problem that calls for a strong international response.”

“The UN stands in solidarity with Nigeria as it takes the fight to Boko Haram terrorism which must be defeated at all cost. We will continue to be supportive in ensuring the effective coordination of situations in Nigeria and other countries currently being affected by Boko Haram terrorism,” he said.

