Ogoni youths protest deplorable state of Eleme-Onne Road

Eleme-Onne Road. Photo/OGFZA
Ogoni youths, yesterday, shut down the Eleme-Onne area of East West Road over the alleged failure of the Federal Government to mobilise contractors to fix it.
They complained that the road had remained deplorable for years while the  Alato Bridge, which serves as the only route to Onne Oil and Gas Free Zone, Port Harcourt Refinery, and other multinational companies was collapsing.
The youths had earlier given the Federal Government a 14-day ultimatum to mobilise contractors to site or face a shutdown of the nation’s oil and gas activities.
Brandishing placards, the youths, under the aegis of Ogoni Youth Federation, took to the streets before 7:00 a.m. and barricaded Aleto Junction and Port Harcourt Refinery Junction.

Some of their placards read: ‘We have suffered for too long, fix the Eleme East-West Road now,’ ‘Eleme is in total darkness, give us light,’ ‘Multinational companies operating in Eleme must have their headquarters here,’ and ‘FG, help Eleme people.’
President-General of the Ogoni Youth Federation, Legborsi Yamaabana, who described the protest as “mother of all protests,” had earlier fixed it for today, but suddenly rescheduled it to yesterday, July 26, following reports that armed miscreants were prepared to hijack the demonstration on Tuesday.



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