Practical faith

Text: James 2:17-24
What is currently lacking among the body of believers is practical faith, which can be applied in all life’s situations. Faith defines a believer’s life. Faith must have work in addition to action, otherwise it becomes destitute and dead. Action confirms one’s faith. Abraham, for instance, put action to his faith; he believed and followed God without reservations. His faith could be described as a “foolish” kind of faith in that, he gave up Isaac not knowing what would come afterwards.

Abraham took a risk! He did not discuss with his wife where he was going neither did he tell his servants what he was up to, but kept on moving on a lonely road for days. He had opportunity to have changed his mind, but he never did. Worst still, the overwhelming promise of God in making Isaac his heir was evergreen at this trying time. Clearly, this promise and the instruction for him to sacrifice Isaac ran contrary to the unchanging standards of God to keep to his words. But expectedly, he was undaunted, believing that even if Isaac should die that God was able to restore him to life.

Faith that lacks action is disastrous because it is like a body without a soul or a building without foundation. The resultant effect of such a life will be a total collapse. Christians must work with God by faith. It is cheer ignorance and foolishness to wait for details of where God is taking a believer to before he believes and follows. God does not deal with any man like that; He can only tell you the beginning of a journey of faith with Him without disclosing what will be the end. Abraham did not know where he was going when God instructed him to leave his place of birth. Abraham, undoubtedly, burnt his bridge; little wonder he never asked God foolish questions that would have challenged His sovereignty and omnipotence.

Conversely, Christians know and understand the existence of God, but do not trust Him to lead them through their journey of life. Abraham had nobody to learn the rudiments of faith or witnessed the demonstration of God’s power, yet he believed and worked with God by faith. This is what God expects from us.

We must work with Him by faith. All His promises to His church this New Year is anchored on faith. If the church of Christ must harvest all that heaven holds in store for her, it must match its faith with action. The evidence of faith must show forth in all facets of a believer’s life to convince the world of the existence of God. Faith does not go in isolation; it goes with testimonies!
Apply practical faith and claim your blessings today.

• For further reading: Heb. 11:17-19; Gen. 21:12; Gen.12:1-4; Heb. 11:8; James 2:19, 20, 22, 23; Heb. 11:1-6. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Road, Cele Road, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programme visit: You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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