Prophets and their mode of operation


This message seeks to x-ray the operation and spiritual dimensions of prophets. Today, there is a total disconnect between prophets and their congregation because of the people’s limited knowledge of the ministry of prophets. Prophets are directly under the supervision of the Almighty God; they are not answerable to any man, but to God. While other ministerial callings take instructions from prophets.

Prophets are at the rear and do not show up all the time in the open except in extreme situations where spiritual purging is inevitable to build and restore sanity to the society. When holiness is trampled upon and severely attacked, a prophet shows forth as God’s veritable weapon to fight against God’s enemies. Prophets are not normal human beings. They are abnormal and created for war; they have no friends on earth because no human being will understand them.

Prophets do not spare witches and wizards when executing judgment in their congregation. They are God in man and are God’s special representatives; they do what God directs them to do! Their main priority is to destroy the enemies of holiness and restore true worship on earth. They appear for war. For instance, Elijah showed up for war and suddenly came on board unannounced. They are contented and do not look at peoples’ pockets.

In the Old Testament, Moses and Elijah were the two major prophets. Elijah, during his ministry on earth, demonstrated his prophetic prowess by calling down fire from heaven. His supposedly “misbehaviour” was brought to the fore when he asked his enemies to pour water on the burnt sacrifice. At this time, Elijah was looking for fire and not necessarily water. This is the mystery and misbehaviour of a prophet. Curiously, in their “misbehaviour” lies victory and solutions to humanity’s challenges.

Prophets work with contacts, which is why they usually request for items during their ministrations. When an axe of the sons of prophet fell into a river, Elijah requested for a live stick to bring it out. What an absurdity in the eyes of man! But as soon as he pointed the live stick towards the direction that the axe fell into, the axe swam and came out. Those items provided during prayers are to establish contact through which needs can be met.

However, prophets are always careful not to offend God. God does not take likely their “little” disobedience because they are privileged to know the secrets of God more than other ministers. Moses could not enter the Promised Land due to his disobedience that nearly cost him eternity.

Believers who are under the ministry of a prophet should tread with caution to attract God’s blessings.
• Further Reading: Eph. 4:11; 3:8,7,4; Acts 12:20-23; 1 Kings 18:19-22; 17:1; 18:19; 18:23-24, 31-35, 36-39; 17:9-15,2; Mt. 8:11-12; 2 Kings 2:19-22; 4:1-7;4:18-27, 28-32.
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