Stars & Legends will birth new generation of talents, Peterson vows

CEO Baroque Works Studios, Victor Eimunjeze; President, Silverbird Group, Guy Murray-Bruce; CEO, Lukrush Records, Samuel Peterson; Founder/CEO, Society of the Performing Arts in Nigeria (SPAN), Sarah Boulos and President, Performing Musicians Employers’ Association of Nigeria (PMAN), Pretty Okafor, at the Stars & Legends Strategic Alliance Press Conference held at Silverbird Galleria, Lagos, recently

To grow a new generation of talent from Nigeria who will enjoy international acclaim and stardom, Stars & Legends, a new reality TV show, will debut next month.

An initiative of Lukrush Records, Rebellion Obsession Fashion and Baroque Works Studios, the show is targeted at promoting local talents in music, dance and modeling from across the continent.

The project is based on a three-point agenda of talent development, show biz, and entrepreneurship, with a promise of exposing these talents to international entertainment experts that will guide them to becoming global stars.

Partnering with Lukrush Records are: Performing Musicians Employers’ Association of Nigeria (PMAN), Society for the Performing Arts in Nigeria (SPAN) and Silverbird.

CEO, Lukrush Records, Samuel Peterson, said the show aimed to empower a new breed of artists and diversify beyond Afrobeats. “There are so many undiscovered talents and sounds that do not have the opportunity to show themselves and this would help showcase these talents to the world.

“In order to strengthen our core in Nigeria, we felt the need to get the support of PMAN and SPAN to endorse our artistes and get Silverbird to promote the show. We believe that this alliance will create a mutual relationship with industry stakeholders in Nigeria and aid our mission of supporting artistes and talents alike and giving them the required international exposure.”

Speaking on the strategic alliance with Stars & Legends, PMAN President, Pretty Okafor, said the alliance would help individuals see how the governing body produces and supports artistes that are launched through Nigeria to the international market. Being an internationally based show, the alliance would foster and strengthen relationships with the United States.

SPAN founder, Sarah Boulos, also said the body is acting as a bridge between artists in Nigeria and scouts from the U.S that intend to grow new talents. “If someone from say the U.S comes to us that they have an idea that can be productive for Nigeria and need our support, we are always happy to lend it to worthy, uplifting projects that will add value to Nigeria and our creative space. We are going beyond commercial success to building cultural impact. I am happy that Peterson is not partnering with any record label now, because we want to get rid of exploitation in every form and ensure creatives are well compensated.

Applauding Peterson for creating a channel to take emerging sounds beyond the shores of the country and help them gain commercial success overseas, Silverbird President, Guy Murray-Bruce, said they are synonymous with entertainment and have supported the growth of the sector, performers, artistes, and creatives for many years through their network of television, radio, cinemas, film distribution and pageants. “This partnership is a continuation of our core objectives and the ethos we hold dearly.”


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