The danger of ministering deliverance to sinners

Text: Matthew 12:43-45
Obviously, deliverance is not for sinners. A sinner who seeks deliverance, does so to his own detriment. Therefore, it is dangerous and unscriptural for ministers to conduct deliverance for sinners. Such exercise, when done without salvation, exposes a sinner to severe danger. A sinner is a child of the devil and does not qualify for deliverance

Deliverance is simply setting the record of one’s spiritual life in a right perspective. It can only take place after a sinner has repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. Sinners who have not parted ways with sins are not qualified for deliverance. They should desist from seeking deliverance from ministers. A sinner cannot enjoy the grace of God in deliverance. Sinners who deceitfully come to church for deliverance, expose themselves to the attacks of the enemies.

Deliverance without salvation is an invitation of legions of demons to such life. Unclean spirits are fallen angels that had lost their habitation, but have found their resting place in the lives of sinners. No sinner can retain his sins and seeks for deliverance without being crushed by the enemies.

Demons hate clean environment, which is why they trace and go after sinners who deceitfully obtained deliverance, but still remains in their sins. The consequences, most times, are reprisal attacks from the enemies, which come in various dimensions such as lost of job, wages, property, death of husband, wife and children.

Deliverance and holiness are interwoven. Deliverance cannot take place without holiness. Deliverance is for the people of Zion, where holiness reigns supreme. Scriptural deliverance is for believers who are saved and washed in the blood of the Lamb. A sinner has no part in the commonwealth of God until he repents. In fact, a sinner is a property of the devil!

Blessings of God follow deliverance. The Israelites while under the captivity of the devil were under severe torment and suffering until God sent Moses to deliver them. Shortly after the deliverance, the blessings of God were evidently seen in their lives. In the same vein, after a child of God is delivered from faulty foundations and all the works, he is expected to blossom in God’s blessings.

• Further reading: 1 Jn. 3:8; 8:44; Mt.12:43-45; Obadiah 1:17; Isaiah 28:15; Lk. 4:18; Mt. 12:43-45; Acts 4:19; 5:29; Rev. 3:20; Acts 8:18-23. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65 , Oluwatedo Estate, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programmes visit: You can also follow us live on Facebook @ kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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