The Role of information systematization in Nigeria’s environmental conservation

Information plays a vital role in empowering eco-friendly companies as it enables them to make informed decisions, implement sustainable practices, and effectively communicate their environmental efforts to stakeholders. By leveraging accurate and relevant information, these companies can drive positive change, raise awareness, and inspire others to embrace environmentally responsible practices, thus fostering a greener and more sustainable future.

The example of Nigeria shows how important it is to have reliable and complete information about the environmental condition of both individual locations and the situation in the country as a whole.

Nigeria, one of the most developed economies in Africa, has a number of environmental problems. There are several business entities that are directly involved in solving these problems, for example:

  • Shelterbelt Nigeria: This company is working to restore degraded land in Nigeria. They plant trees and shrubs to create shelterbelts, which help to prevent soil erosion and improve air quality. Shelterbelt Nigeria also works to educate communities about the importance of environmental protection.
  • Mottainai Africa: Mottainai Africa, specifically in Nigeria, is an environmental and social enterprise that is dedicated to tackling waste management challenges in the country. They work towards reducing waste, promoting recycling and upcycling, and implementing sustainable practices. Mottainai aims to create awareness about responsible consumption and waste management, while also driving economic opportunities through their initiatives in the recycling and circular economy sectors.
  • Wecyclers: This social enterprise collects and recycles waste from homes and businesses in Lagos. They have collected over 100,000 tons of waste and have created jobs for over 1,000 people. Wecyclers is also working to educate people about the importance of recycling and waste management.
  • Other companies in various industries optimize processes to reduce environmental impact: minimizing waste, transitioning to alternative power sources, and using low-emission transportation.

While the environmental benefits of these initiatives are usually measurable, some areas, particularly those involving information-based work, pose challenges in assessing their environmental impact.

How Can Systematization Work Affect Changes in the Environment?

The answer to this question is both simple and complex and consists of several points. The EcoHubMap site performs several functions, which not only help to systematize data but also analyze it, as well as take influential decisions on local and global levels.

  • Data-driven decision-making: Systematized information allows for evidence-based decision-making, leading to more effective and efficient environmental initiatives.
  • Identifying patterns and trends: Systematic organization of data enables the identification of patterns and trends in environmental conditions
  • Monitoring and evaluation: By establishing baseline data and tracking key indicators over time, it becomes possible to assess the effectiveness of interventions and policies.
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing: By organizing data in a standardized format and making it accessible to relevant parties, researchers, organizations, and communities can easily share information and insights.
  • Public awareness and engagement: By presenting data in a clear and accessible manner, people can better understand the urgency and scale of environmental challenges.

And most importantly, by collecting and systematizing information, EcoHubMap has saved various organizations, companies, and ordinary users a lot of time that they would normally spend searching the Internet.

This is where such initiatives as EcoHubMap comes to the scene. This online platform has offered an innovative idea of uniting environmental organizations – large and small, local and international – into one domain and letting them store their data in one information bank. Does it seem impossible?

I have given a test drive to the online platform and estimated its efforts to bring together environmental organizations and businesses from around the world in one place and in Nigeria in particular. Now, I’m ready to consider how such systematization contributions can affect the improvement of environmental conditions in small areas.

How Can Systematization Work Affect Changes in the Environment?

The answer to this question is both simple and complex and consists of several points. The EcoHubMap site performs several functions, which not only help to systematize data but also analyze it, as well as take influential decisions on local and global levels.

  • Data-driven decision-making: Systematized information allows for evidence-based decision-making, leading to more effective and efficient environmental initiatives.
  • Identifying patterns and trends: Systematic organization of data enables the identification of patterns and trends in environmental conditions
  • Monitoring and evaluation: By establishing baseline data and tracking key indicators over time, it becomes possible to assess the effectiveness of interventions and policies.
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing: By organizing data in a standardized format and making it accessible to relevant parties, researchers, organizations, and communities can easily share information and insights.
  • Public awareness and engagement: By presenting data in a clear and accessible manner, people can better understand the urgency and scale of environmental challenges.

And most importantly, by collecting and systematizing information, EcoHubMap has saved various organizations, companies, and ordinary users a lot of time that they would normally spend searching the Internet.

What is EcoHubMap and How Does it Function as an Online Platform?

EcoHubMap is an online platform that aims to unite various organizations and businesses that operate in the field of ecology.

The company team states that it works 24/7/365 to expand the functionality of the site and thus achieve its highest goal. I’ve been following the company’s site for several months and can approve of EcoHubMap’s efforts.

The platform never stops evolving. The team continues to improve the site’s design, increase the loading speed of site pages, and periodically add new sections to the site.

Thanks to this, the EcoHubMap data directory is regularly updated with new companies and organizations, and the quality of information of existing ones is constantly improved.

What are the Benefits of Using This Website for Eco-Friendly Companies and Environmental Non-Profit Organizations in Nigeria?

This online platform serves as a valuable resource that connects businesses and organizations with a shared commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. Using EcoHubMap, Nigerian entities can increase exposure free of charge, gain access to a targeted audience, and ensure the potential for valuable partnerships.

By listing themselves in the environmental directory, these entities gain visibility among a like-minded community and attract individuals specifically interested in supporting environmentally conscious endeavors. This heightened exposure can lead to increased brand recognition and customer engagement.

The site itself has very promising potential. In the future, this online platform may become a collaborative environment that allows for knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and the creation of impactful partnerships that can drive innovation and progress in environmental conservation and companies will be able to attract new customers.

How Can Nigerian Eco-friendly Companies and Non-Profit Environmental Organizations Use and Benefit from the Online Platform?

Nigeria, being one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies with vast oil reserves, has experienced some major environmental challenges and to effectively tackle these issues and make objective assessments, organizations often require a significant amount of reliable information, which can be time-consuming to gather. However, EcoHubMap offers a practical solution that can save valuable time for such organizations.

In Nigeria, several well-known environmental issues include

  • oil spills;
  • air pollution in cities like Onitsha, Kaduna, Aba, and Umuahia;
  • mass deforestation;
  • the plastic waste problem in Lagos.

These issues can be explored on the EcoHubMap website under environmental hotspots.

As a reaction to the worsening environmental situation, numerous organizations advocating for environmental preservation have emerged. Nigerian organizations focus on preserving water, air, soil, and wildlife. The EcoHubMap directory features over 60 such environmental organizations.

Moreover, businesses have also begun providing ecological services, with growing eco-products, water purification, and installation of alternative energy sources being popular among them. The directory encompasses over 200 Nigerian businesses that offer eco-products or environmental services enabling them to showcase their environmentally friendly initiatives and provide detailed information about their sustainable practices to a like-minded audience.

In addition, companies have the option to feature themselves in the “Recommended Companies” block on the platform to enhance their visibility even further. This enables Nigerian companies to promote their eco-friendly offerings, connect with interested users and contribute to the country’s sustainable business landscape.

Nigeria is one of the priority countries for EcoHubMap. The monthly audience from this country has been. This shows that there is a great demand for companies and organizations in Nigeria that want to change the environmental situation in the country for the better.


Summarizing the review of the EcoHubMap online platform, we can draw the following conclusion. The platform makes a significant contribution to the world’s environmental protection. Its data banks are constantly updated and systematized so that everyone can get access to the actual global picture of this or that problem with a single click.

I can assert that every eco company can benefit from joining the platform and keep in touch with it. The EcoHubMap accumulates more and more data that may help to make fateful decisions and expend funds and efforts in a more reasonable way.
