Trump’s exit

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So, the newspapers around the world, the United States Press, in particular, were right after all. Right from when he secured the nomination of the Republican Party, the media forewarned the Americans that Donald Trump was not fit to be President.

You would have thought that he was going to see the pronouncements in unison as a challenge and prove the United States media wrong. Alas, Mr. Trump dragged the lofty office of the President of America to his level. No honour, no sense of propriety, and no refinement, and he is loveless.

A leader that is lacking in love will plunge his country into the unremitted season of uncertainties and fears. For him, it was anything goes. In the committee of nations, he had no reputation. Given its century-old immense endowments which made the country to be proverbially described as “God’s own country” and some of the leaders evincing profound quotable thoughts and a country that could be regarded as a beacon of decency at the highest echelon of rulership, you would have expected that Donald Trump would uplift the throne to a higher level than he met it in terms of carriage, pronouncements, and tone. Not Donald Trump. A President who could not shrink from nursing thoughts of inciting violence against the hallowed chambers of Capitol Hill. What manner of President is that? The world was aghast, but he was shamelessly unremorseful. He did not care if America exploded in war. A warmonger he has demonstrated he was.

Washington Post leading the pack of American newspapers said right from its headline: “It is beyond debate that Donald Trump is unfit to be President.” The paper went on from there to say: “Even if Trump manages to conduct himself ‘presidentially’ for an hour and a half, that could not undo the many, many instances…in which he has insulted, acted out, lied, and countenanced violence beyond even some of the roughest and tumble precedents of modern American politics.”

Blasting the Republican Party for making Trump its flagbearer, The New York Times wrote: “The Republican Party’s trek into the darkness took a fateful step in Indiana on Tuesday….Mr. Trump who would be the most volatile and least prepared presidential candidate nominated by a major party in modern times.” The editorial was in 2015. This is a moment of reckoning for the Republican Party. It’s incumbent on its leadership to account for the failures and betrayals that led to this, and find a better way to address them than the demagogy on offer.”

USA Today which did not explicitly endorse Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump’s challenger said: “Resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue. By all means vote, just not for Donald Trump.”

The Cincinnati Enquirer which for about a century had always supported Republican Party candidates switching support for Hillary Clinton and giving an explanation for the switch to its readers said: “This is not a traditional race, and these are not traditional times.”

Outgoing US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump step out of Marine One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on January 20, 2021. – President Trump and the First Lady travel to their Mar-a-Lago golf club residence in Palm Beach, Florida, and will not attend the inauguration for President-elect Joe Biden. (Photo by ALEX EDELMAN / AFP)

The Chicago Sun-Times could not resist similarly dropping its decision on the endorsement of presidential candidates. The paper explained to its readers that “the best way to avert a train wreck is to wave a warning flag as soon as possible.”

The Atlantic described as great journalism light since 1857 said it does not usually endorse presidential candidates except doomsday is nigh.

This is saying that all major newspapers had their doubts about Mr. Trump. They red him well. He could not rise below the level they saw him. What showed the below average, indeed, low level on which the media saw him? His conduct over the election was appalling. He lost in the popular votes by about seven million; he lost at the Electoral College and he lost in the courts up to the Supreme Court of the United States for want of proof of his claims, yet he kept rejecting the results as products of rigging. He disgraced his party and himself.

Mr. Joe Biden was sworn in yesterday as the 46th President of the United States. The events preceding the inauguration including the aborted insurrection showed glaringly that the United States is divided in many ways, colour not the least. If Trump could garner more than 70 million votes against Biden’s 77million, it means he has a huge following Biden cannot afford to ignore. Biden should bind wounds and draw even the madding crowd close to his Administration. He should ask himself what are the fears of the huge voters behind Mr. Trump?

The fears cannot be thrown out of the window. One of them is uncontrolled immigration, but the case for control was poorly presented and argued. Biden should realise that complementing one another is more beneficial than hate in the reciprocity of the hate and suspicion Mr. Trump has spun and spewed into the American society. There are strong bonds binding people on earth which hate and unjustified suspicion should not be allowed to erode. Mr. Joe Biden has so far carried himself with dignity. He has been presidential in his utterances, conduct, and carriage. The United States is a land of liberty, opportunities, and a beacon of hope as well as a productive society. So should it remain.


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