Understanding Of Cancer From The Spiritual Perspective III

cancerCauses of Cancer:
IT is now known that many cells in the body become cancerous daily in an average person and the so-called “genetic mistake” or the DNA damage occurs more when the cells are rapidly dividing, e.g. in foetus, infants and children during puberty and adolescence.

This “mistake” or damage may remain silent for many years and their effects may show up in years later, where there are triggers.

It is equally known that scan often detects alarming numbers of malignant tumours in patients, which they were not really aware of.

Many investigators today know that the problem of cancer arises when the entire immune system, but mainly the liver, either fails to recognise the mutated or damaged cells and effectively destroy them before they become troublesome.

Because of these observations, many natural healthcare providers came to the conclusion that cancer in whatever form is purely liver and immune disorders.

That is to say, if the liver is healthy and working at its full capacity, abnormal cells or cells that are undergoing degenerative cellular changes that could lead to any form of abnormal or malignant growth are effectively destroyed when they first show signs of abnormality.

This is the main reason why the liver thereby occupies a key position in the fight against cancer.

Before we can proceed further, let us first of all observe all that the noble- minded scientists have correctly noted:

The human body is basically made up of cells (the smallest living subunit); tissues- a group of cells with similar structures and functions; organs- a group of two or more different types of tissues precisely arranged so as to accomplish specific functions (e.g. brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, etc.); and organ system- a group of organs that all contribute to a particular function (the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems).

Cancer starts first at the basic of the human body- the cells.

Many readers often become confused with terms used medically to designate abnormal growths in the body. Therefore, let us take note of the followings:

Tumour is any form of abnormal growth, mass, lump or swelling.

The term is synonymous with neoplasm (specifically solid mass), excluding leukemia, which is not a solid neoplasm.

Neoplasm can be benign or malignant (cancerous).

Benign Tumours or neoplasms are not cancerous; they can be removed surgically without their recurring and they do not spread to or invade other parts of the body.

Malignant Tumours or malignant neoplasms are cancerous and dangerous.

Unlike the normal cells in the body, which follow an orderly path of growth, division and programmed cell death (apoptosis death), cancerous cells cannot stop dividing to produce new cells and they do not experience programmatic death and instead continue to grow and divide.

Malignant tumours are dangerous and they behave like wild fire that cannot stop once it has started.

They can metastasise, i.e., they are capable of breaking away from their primary site and entering the bloodstream or lymphatic system to form secondary malignant tumours in other parts of the body, i.e. in any tissue that is capable of providing a perfect place for them to settle and also support their growths, e.g. a trauma somewhere, stagnation resulting from blood clot, a blocked vessel, etc.

The conventional system of dealing with cancer is based on the understanding that cancer cells divide uncontrollably and cannot be checked or stopped once they have started and they cannot become normal cells again.

Therefore, the tumour should be “cut out or radiated to death or chemically destroyed to remove every cancerous cell in the body.

Presently, health scientists have discovered over 120 types of cancer and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected, hence these five categories:
Leukemia- cancer of the blood.
Myeloma- cancer of the blood-forming organs, e.g. the bone marrow.
Lymphomas- cancer of the lymphatic system.
Carcinomas- cancer arising from the epithelial cells covering membranes of the body- the mucus membranes- the skin, glands and other organs.
Sarcomas- cancer arising from the connective tissues that connect, support or surround other tissues and organs, the muscles, bones, cartilage, etc.

Based on the study of the cells cultured in the laboratory, scientists currently believe that cells become malignant (cancerous) in an orderly progression, which occurs in three main stages:
Cancer initiation, in which there is a long-term (chronic) irritations of the cells from external forces, such as polluted blood (toxins and carcinogens), some viral infections and exposures to harmful radiations that induce the initial cellular and genetic damage.

Promotion of growth, when the mutated cells proliferate and grow due to the presence of inflammation (caused by infective agents or cancer microbes), over acidity of the blood, growth stimulants promoted by stress or growth stimulation due to the wound-healing mechanism initiated by biopsy or surgery (Ernst H. Krokowski, 1979), etc.

Progression/ Metastases, which is the stage where the cancerous cells develop into tumours and the cells, like wild fire, breaking away from their primary sites and entering the bloodstream or lymphatic system (circulatory system), group together elsewhere in the body and form secondary malignant tumours.

At this point, tumours can grow and interfere with the normal functions of the circulatory, digestive, nervous and endocrine systems, and therefore, harm the general health of the body.

Some cancer researchers are today telling us that only a small minority of patients die from primary tumours, i.e. malignant tumours that remain in one spot, where they originate from, and over 90 per cent of patients die from metastases or secondary tumours.

In 1979, Ernst H. Krokowski, a professor of Radiology in Kassel (Germany) proved conclusively that cancer surgery is the main cause of metastasis.

Due to an overproduction of fibrin, which causes blood to stick together or hypercoagulation that can block blood vessel or greatly impair the blood flow and provide a perfect place for secondary malignant tumours, and therefore, increase metastasis.

If the viscosity of blood is good and the circulatory system is functioning properly, the secondary growth of cancer (metastasis) cannot take place or can be prevented.

Other cancer investigators have also in the recent years shown that surgery (the first medical treatment) is not the only medical procedure that increases metastasis, but basically all medical aggressive interventions can trigger metastasis.

In our next publication, we shall be examining some of the factors that can interfere with the normal cellular structures, functions and characteristics, or the things that can be drastically altered, damaging the highly sensitive chromosomes (with their genes and DNAs), as well as how stress congests, weakens and injures the liver and therefore causes the insufficient activities and incapacity of the liver.
To be continued

