UNWTO invites stakeholders to global survey of climate action

[FILES] The President of the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, held in Glasgow in November 2021, Alok Sharma meets with his COP21 predecessor in Paris on March 2, 2021. (Photo by ALAIN JOCARD / AFP)
In a bid to help identify front running initiatives and opportunities to accelerate climate action in tourism, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has invited public and private stakeholders from around the world to take part in a Global Survey of Climate Action in Tourism.

The global survey which was launched on World Environmental Day June 5, 2021, to support the ongoing efforts of the sector to reduce its environmental impacts and carbon emissions, as well as to strengthen its capacity to adapt to a changing climate, will be open till July 15. Destinations, businesses and tourism associations are all invited to take part.

Developed within the framework of the one planet sustainable tourism programme, the survey is part of the preparations for the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26, and the results will be presented in November 2021 at Glasgow United Kingdom.

The tourism Ministers of the G20 nations in May stressed the need to rethink tourism and shape a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive sector. They also committed to take action and promote a green transformation. The UNWTO recommendations for the transition to a Green Travel and Tourism Economy, which was welcomed by the G20 tourism ministers, highlighted the need to transform tourism operations for climate action, otherwise, emissions from global tourism could rise by at least 25 per cent by 2030, as estimated in the latest research carried out by UNWTO and ITF.

The green transformation of the sector is needed, not just for the planet, but also for tourism itself in order to boost competitiveness and increase resilience.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili says: “The pandemic and its impact on tourism, jobs and revenues, offers an unprecedented reminder of the need to rebalance our relationship with people, planet and prosperity.”


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