Voiceover artists tasked on collaboration across region

Speakers at the fifth edition of The Voiceover Conference (TVOC), themed “Dare: The Audacity to Break New Grounds,” have underscored the importance of collaboration among voice-over professionals.

The two-day conference featured virtual sessions on the first day and an engaging in-person session on the second day.

The Convener, The Voiceover Conference, Emmanuel Afemikhe, stressed the importance of industry collaboration, stating, “It is time for everyone to work together and create space for the younger generation to come in and make a meaningful impact.”

The event was attended by Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the Lagos State Governor, Gboyega Akosile; Joan Baker, Chilu Lemba, Tim Friedlander, Wale Ekundayo, Flora Gabtony, Paula Gammon Wilson, Lau Lapides, Nadeem Khalid, Folu Storms, Wakio Mzenge, among others.

Some of the key topics treated by panelists included: Impacting the African Economy through Voiceover, Making Money as a Voiceover Artist, Telling African Stories through Technology, Voice Over, and Animation.

The discussions during the conference were instrumental in equipping voice-over artists with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the industry.

Project Manager, TVOC, Damilola Oshifowora, expressed optimism that the conference would birth growth and collaboration in the years to come in the industry.


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