When You Are Heart Broken

hb-CopyI’M sure many of us have been heartbroken a couple of times in our lifetime. A lot of us have and on behalf of hearts shattered all over the concrete and carpets and pillows everywhere, I’d  like to welcome you to being part of the human race.

No matter how alone and isolated your loss may have made you feel; in truth, you are not experiencing anything that millions of people haven’t gone through before or will again. Still, it doesn’t help when you are in the throws of it, in fact; romantic breakups are no less devastating than a grave side farewell biding adieu to broken dreams, empty promises, and doors no longer open.

If change is the only constant then each hello is an eventual good-bye. Knowing this, however, we still long for true love, feel most complete when a connection is made, and bravely believe in ‘happily ever after.’ Whether heartache is experienced via a break-up, divorce, or physical death these five introspective questions soften the sting so that one morning you will awake brighter, alert, and perhaps ready to open your sacred space and share your life with another.

When you’re cried out and there is no more ice cream in the freezer to get fat on, sit awhile in silence and let these questions penetrate through the walls of your heart ripping through the barb wire and seeing what lies beyond the ravages of rage: *Where is the one place you visited together that was beautiful and breath-taking? *What is the one new piece of information he/she taught you that you hadn’t known before you both met? *Who is the one person who came into your space that you enjoyed because of this union? *What is the one loving gesture you two shared that you will cherish throughout the rest of your entire life? *What did you learn about the word, LOVE from this meeting of the hearts? Talk to your aching heart in your quiet moment. Like any passionate warrior, you feel the need to defend and lash out in these trying times.

You  blame him, blame yourself, curse at the situation and shut the doors to every risk feeling this pain again. You think it may be safer to put all of your energy into your job, the gym.  But your little broken heart is so lifeless at the moment. A heartbreak is a  magical mystery with no guidelines to measure itself by except the perception we carry with us which is dealing with it. You must realize this is the journey of the living and as sure as you beat each second of each day, love is worth the risk.

I hope you will go back and revisit all of the joy, kindness, passion, and moments you had that made you skip a beat, cry your eyes out to a song, and glow igniting your colourful aura. Allow your heart to heal from the inside out and feel honored that this encounter has brushed up against your rawest self. Soon your cardiac arrest will only be a distant past while love tugs at your heart strings again. Love is what you are created for, what you beat for.

It is the gift of your soul’s longing to be joined with another and learn the meaning of the word, L.O.V.E. through this relationship with the highs and the lows. Fight the good fight of passion and win the war against hate! Give your heart the chance to love again…. Words of a broken heart. To our happiness, cheers.

