Why I Dress Like a Lady in My Skits – Jusstprince

Skit creator, Anyanwu Godson Ifeanyi Prince, better known as Jusstprince, has explained why he dresses as a lady in his skits.
Skit creator, Anyanwu Godson Ifeanyi Prince, better known as Jusstprince, has explained why he dresses as a lady in his skits.

Anyanwu Godson Ifeanyi Prince, popularly known as Jusstprince, is a Nigerian-born skit creator who has captured the hearts of millions of admirers worldwide by portraying a female character in his entertaining skits.

From Instagram to TikTok: A Journey of Success

Jusstprince began his social media journey on Instagram and Facebook, where he gained initial popularity. However, it was his move to TikTok in 2020 that truly skyrocketed his fame. With over 1.5 million followers, Jusstprince has become a beloved figure in the Nigerian and African social media scene, recognised as a top creator.

Overcoming Challenges and Finding His Niche

Motivated by personal struggles, including depression and family tragedy, Jusstprince turned to content creation as an outlet. Fans encouraged him to join TikTok, where his humorous and energetic personality found a perfect fit. His aunt played a crucial role, providing female outfits and shelter, which helped him start his journey.

Skitmaker, Anyanwu Godson Ifeanyi Prince, better known as Jusstprince, has explained why he dresses as a lady in his skits.
Skit creator, Anyanwu Godson Ifeanyi Prince, better known as Jusstprince.

“Low interactions were a major barrier for me when I first started creating content since I didn’t know what my specialty was,” Jusstprince recalls. “Until I sat down to consider my audience’s choices. I got it, started working with it, and overcame that.”

The Inspiration Behind Dressing as a Lady

Explaining his choice to dress as a lady, Jusstprince said, “Women have hilarious characteristics, therefore dressing as a lady to express those traits was the goal, and I knew I could do it flawlessly.” His friend, who also dresses as a woman in their skits, taught him video editing and helped create their unique style of dance, which their audience loves.

Impact and Influence

Jusstprince’s skits have not only entertained but also inspired others to stand against cyberbullying, fostering a more positive online environment. His journey from a jobless graduate with a degree in public administration to a celebrated content creator is a testament to his determination and creativity.

“My parents learned about my content production when they watched me on a television station one day… they were genuinely proud of me and never discouraged me,” he shares.

Aiming for Greater Heights

Despite his success, Jusstprince remains humble and driven. “I’m really proud of myself for going this far because content production is not an easy task to keep up with, but I battled it, and I fought for popularity as well,” he states. “The world will see me, and I have many more opportunities to explore, such as a space tour.”

Jusstprince’s story is one of resilience and creativity, illustrating how passion and hard work can transform personal challenges into a source of inspiration and joy for millions.

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